AngelBeanLester: So, let me get this straight.
AngelBeanLester: Amy and Signe both cheated on you...
AngelBeanLester: With each other?
CactusMom: ...
CactusMom: I'm not proud of it...
Peeboo: Neither am I...
SmolGreenBean: Well, I certainly wouldn't be!
BabyBoiBloo: Calm down, Jack.
CutieKath: Listen, I'm so sorry- I had no idea!
CutieKath: I just wanted to talk with my friends.
OneWordStoneface: I understand, but maybe you girls should have a separate group chat.
Peeboo: Probably...
CutieKath: I understand.
CutieKath removed themselves from the group chat
Peeboo removed themselves from the group chat
CactusMom removed themselves from the group chat
SmolGreenBean: I'm gonna take a nap...
I'm too exhausted with all these characters lmao