emodrummer: Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror
emodrummer: And I think to myself
emodrummer: Okay I'm going to die now
emodrummer: Tell Tyler I love him
FabulousBrofist69: somebody once trolled me
kingofFNaF: Fuck off.
BabyBoiBloo: Everyone who thinks we should add Dil Howlter to this chat say aye
kingofFNaF: aye
SmolGreenBean: aye
OneWordStoneface: aye
ScreamoUkeBean: aye
ExistentialHowell: aye
AngelBeanLester: whaT IS GOING ON
SmolGreenBean: Is anyone awake?
SmolGreenBean: Deirdre had a nightmare and she wants to talk to her 'tiny uncle'
SmolGreenBean: I don't know if she means Ethan or Tyler J
BabyBoiBloo: Excuse me I need to have a serious talk with that young lady
ScreamoUkeBean: ^
How have y'all been?