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kingofFNaF: What the fuck

kingofFNaF: I'm buying makeup for a surprise for  Jack and I'm so confused

CrankyBoi: Why?

kingofFNaF: Because eyeshadow is like 80 dollars what the hell

ScreamoUkeBean: what the f u c k

DaddyDark: Is it made out of unicorn shit or something?

kingofFNaF: Okay seriously lip gloss is 50 dollars

Paka: That's 50 cheeseburgers

kingofFNaF: This is bullshit, DD help me out here

DoubleD: I would but I'm busy right now, sorry

kingofFNaF: Stop fucking your boifriend and get your ass to the nearest Sephora


Blurrybutt: I wonder how Ron and Hermione reacted when Harry eventually told them about sleeping under the stairs

ExistentialHowell: "sorry we have to share the attic, there isn't much room" "its fine, i used  to sleep under the stairs at the dursleys" "you slept where now"

SmolGreenBean: *cut to the rest of the Weasley family holding Ron back from Kicking Some Ass*

OneWordStoneface: Bold of you to assume they'd stop him instead of joining him

SpookyJ: Harry Potter and the Time He Had To Stop a Family Of Nine Wizards From Killing His Legal Muggle Guardians


ScreamoUkeBean: Chica no

ScreamoUkeBean: I know you like like beef jerky but this is my beef jerky

ScreamoUkeBean: I'm just. Frozen in fear. Her nose is touching my arm why. Is it so cold and wet

ScreamoUkeBean: If I give you some beef jerky will you go away

ScreamoUkeBean: No you're just gonna fall asleep on my lap I guess that's fine too


GlitchBitch: What sort of asshole would mix Skittles and MnMs in the same bowl

GlitchBitch: I put them in the microwave to melt the chocolate and now melted-Skittle goop has ruined my MnMs

Paka: >:D

CrankyBoi: okay paka what the fresh fuck

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