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ScreamoUkeBean: Me @ Josh

emodrummer: So it wasn't my smokin hot bod that made you fall for me? Shame

ScreamoUkeBean: Josh that's gay

kingofFNaF: Wuick someone screenshot this

emodrummer: wuick

SmolGreenBean: wuick

ExistentialHowell: w u i c k

BabyBoiBloo: wuiCk

toastyken: WUICK

AngelBeanLester: wuicc

kingofFNaF: ***fuck you all


emodrummer: TylOr jOsEbg

OneWordStoneface: Who's Tylor Josebg?

BabyBoiBloo: Isn't he the guy in that band?

SmolGreenBean: Yeah, 42 Airplanes or something

FabulousBrofist69: Don't you just love that Smudgeface song?

ExistentialHowell: my favourite album of theirs is snoot boi

ScreamoUkeBean: How about I shove Josh's drumsticks up all your asses, huh?


emodrummer: Why is Ethan sucking on one of my drumsticks?

OneWordStoneface: He's probably in littlespace. I'll get his paci for him.

ExistentialHowell: i hope it wasn't a drumstick tyler j shoved up someone's ass


Someone needs to stop me.

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