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Blurrybutt: What's the past tense of yeet

kingofFNaF: Yote

ExistentialHowell: what no it's yeeted

GlitchBitch: Are you all insane? Obviously its 'yet'

Paka: How the fuck

DaddyDark: Meet becomes met, so yeet becomes yet.

CrankyBoi: ,,,yeah, no thanks, grammar nazis

BabyBoiBloo: I'm disappointed in you all


ExistentialHowell: somebody give me something weird to think about

ScreamoUkeBean: Well I filled one of Josh's condoms with water and gave it feelings

Blurrybutt: Why would you do that Tyler what

SpookyJ: It's gonna be the next Pixar movie, Blurry

OneWordStoneface: Great, I'm gonna start a petition so I don't have to see a sentient sex toy in a movie

kingofFNaF: You have my signature.

BabyBoiBloo: Condoms aren't sex toys-

Paka: Toy Story 4: The Side You Never Saw

Blurrybutt: what n o

SpookyJ: ... You got a friend in me

ScreamoUkeBean: I will murder you for that joke you better sleep with one eye open


SmolGreenBean added HankyPanky to the chat

SmolGreenBean added ConBoi to the chat

HankyPanky: What the fuck is this

ConBoi: I believe this is a group chat, Hank, where multiple people text together on one platform.

HankyPanky: ... I know what a group chat is, Connor.

SpookyJ: Hey it's robocop

emodrummer: For once I agree with Spooky on something because that's a v good ship name

DaddyDark: You're all going to hell.

HankyPanky: With you existing, I'm already there

DaddyDark: ...

ConBoi: I believe that's called a 'burn'.


Opinions on Hank and Connor in this story? I might only keep em for a few chapters, who knows.

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