emodrummer: I'm thirsty but I have no water
Cryboi: Drink the tears of the innocent.
ExistentialHowell: hahahah you think someone in this house is innocent
ExistentialHowell: that's cute
ScreamoUkeBean: Josh help
ScreamoUkeBean: There is a small child clinging onto my leg
SmolGreenBean: So that's where Dee went
emodrummer: Tyler is just sitting on the floor now braiding her hair I think I'm gonna cry it's so pure
BabyBoiBloo: She has many loving uncles.
FabulousBrofist69: I just saw some pretty gay shit
OneWordStoneface: That's a mirror, Felix.
FabulousBrofist69: That makes more sense.
AngelBeanLester added DillybeanHowlter to the group chat
ExistentialHowell kicked DillybeanHowlter from the group chat
AngelBeanLester: LET ME LOVE OUR SON
I'm vv excited for the next Quarter Queers