SmolGreenBean: 10
kingofFNaF: 10
ExistentialHowell: 10
AngelBeanLester: 10
OneWordStoneface: 10
emodrummer: 10
ScreamoUkeBean: 10
FabulousBrofist69: 10
toastyken: 10
BabyBoiBloo: I fucking hate you all.
emodrummer: Mark
emodrummer: Some guy at the door who looks exactly like you with blue hair and glasses claiming to be your twin wants to talk to you
kingofFNaF: Shit...
kingofFNaF added FinnaBunny to the chat
kingofFNaF: Everyone, this is my twin brother Finn
SmolGreenBean added ImNotNWTBFckOff to the chat
SmolGreenBean: And my twin brother Nathan
BabyBoiBloo: They're gonna fuck. My gaydar is tingling.