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ScreamoUkeBean: Hey guys

Blurrybutt: What, cunt

ExistentialHowell: harsh

ScreamoUkeBean: Shush gays

ScreamoUkeBean: How do you fit three gay guys onto one bar stool

Paka: ?????????

SpookyJ: Turn it upside down lolololololololol


ConBoi: I'm confused. Why wouldn't you just get two more barstools?

HankyPanky: I already know this one. And don't worry about Connor, jokes go right over his head.

ConBoi: Nothing goes over my head, Lieutenant. My reflexes are too fast.

HankyPanky: -_-


BabyBoiBloo: Did you know that a man's lips are the same colour of the head of his penis

DoubleD: ...

kingofFNaF: Did you know that the man with the world-record largest dick (14 inches) gets lightheaded whenever he gets an erection and can only have anal sex?

AngelBeanLester: Penis facts? Really? What are you, 10?

DaddyDark: Yeah, 10 inches deep in your mom.

emodrummer: Is this heaven or hell

GlitchBitch: 99% of people can't tell the difference.


DoubleD: If I was a drink I'd be vanilla Coke

BabyBoiBloo: I'd be apple juice

ExistentialHowell: i would be bleach

SpookyJ: I'd be sewage

OneWordStoneface: Geez edgelords calm down


kingofFNaF: Let's play truth, dare or drink

SmolGreenBean: Mark,,, you can't drink,,

kingofFNaF: That's why I have orange juice :D

kingofFNaF: Dark, truth or dare

DaddyDark: You're so immature, I swear to Lucifer

DaddyDark: But truth, I suppose.

kingofFNaF: Hmm

kingofFNaF: Anti help me out

GlitchBitch: Have you ever sucked dick on accident

DaddyDark: How do you suck a dick on accident what the fuck


Guess who's bacc

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