I drive Evelyn to her new house. It Is also her old home. I pull up to the house and pull out Evelyn's suitcase from my car, full of her clothes. We walk up to our old house where we both would dread Marcus' return from work. We were bounded by fear then, now we are bounded by victory.
I like to believe we are bounded by so much more. bounded by happiness of our new city, bounded by loss. her loss of Edward, mine of Tris. Maybe even by love. Love for each other. Love for family.
We walk to the door, not hesitating before entering. My mother holds her head up high, fighting off the memories of being slammed into the walls. the memories of our screams echoing in the basically empty house.
I bring her things to their bedroom. or her bedroom now. I then walk across the hall to mine. nothing is moved out of place from when the factionless-dauntless were here, and Tris stayed with me in here. I feel a pain in my chest.
Peter saved Tris and I, and I thought we would live the rest of our lives together. At least I thought the rest of my life.
With every thought of her, I miss her. I miss her kisses, her hugs, her thoughtful mind. I miss every part of her. I wish I could read this situation like she could.
I walk out of the room before the tears start to run.
When I walk into my apartment, It's close to dinner time. I pull out a pan and begin to cook.
I'm about to sit down to eat my food, when someone knocks on my door. I'm confused because most people don't knock this time at night.
"it's open!" I yell.
the door opens and a familiar boy walks in. Peter. he waves at me and I wave back. Didn't he talk the memory serum?
"Hi Four." he says shyly. How does he remember me?
"Peter. How, may I ask, do you remember me?"
"I-I don't K-know... y-you the only thing I-I do..." he stutters
I don't really understand how he remembers me. maybe because I let him reset himself? I don't know, but I invite peter in.
"How are you, Peter?" I ask him.
"peter, are you sure your okay? you sound, nervous."
he shakes his head.
Peter isn't okay.
I wake up right before the gun fires. David's word echo in my head again. i'm going to make sure she doesn't survive. he planned on killing her.
I get up. I walk out of my room to see Peter already up. He stayed over night, to confused to go home, I guess.
"good morning." He says. he sounds a bit better.
"morning," I reply. I feel uncomfortable with him here, maybe it's because Tris would, but he saved her, even if he doesn't remember.
I make breakfast. eat breakfast. talk to Peter a bit. and then I'm off to Johanna Reyes office.
Peter leaves before me, saying something about a wild dog. He seems a little off, but he got here alive, so I assume he knows the way home.
I hope I'm right.
After work, I climb right into bed. I'm so tired. I fall asleep the moment I lay down, thinking of Tris, as usual.

FanfictionTobias Eaton (four) still grieves for his girlfriend, Beatrice Prior (Tris)'s death. Tris watches Tobias from the place where you are supposed to never mourn, where you never miss anything from the earth or in tris's case, the city of Chicago, heav...