4. Good Morning Everyone!

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Japan opened his brown eyes. He noticed that he was in an uknown room. The bed he was sitting on had white sheets and a soft navy blue duvet. Beside the beds were wooden side tables. There was a study desk with a dark green chair completed with a book shelf. The room had a window on its side and the wall was painted with beautiful cherry blossoms and Mount Fuji.

Japan stopped to admire the wall painting for a while. The colors blended in perfectly and the amount of detail was amazing, Japan thought he was really back in Japan.

He quickly remembered why he was here. This must be Nesia's house, he thought. He took a bath and changed into a comfortable blue shirt and black pants. He opened the wooden door and walked outside the long hallway. He found a staircase and walked downstairs. He found America walking down the staircase, too.

"Ohayo, America-san," Japan greeted politely.

America replied, "Good morning Japan. Did you have a nice sleep?"

"I did in fact, I can't help but notice the mural in my room. How about yours, America-san?" Japan asked.

"I also had a mural of NYC. It was amazing," America smiled as he jumped off the last step, "I think the breakfast room is this way."

They walked to a big hallway on the left. It has pictures of Indonesia's landscapes, batiks and traditional wayang and wooden craft. Japan couldn't help but admire Indonesia's culture.

"I know right. It's beautiful. This way," America pointed out to a door. He pushed it open and it lead to the back garden.

"Are you sure it's this way?" Japan asked nervously as he saw beautiful flowers and plants in the garden.

"Of course. The hero is always right! And besides I've been here," America replied cheerfully as they stepped on some stone steps leading to a big hidden patio.

The ASEAN family was eating breakfast either Nasi Goreng, Nasi Lemak, Bubur Ayam or Soto Ayam. "Good morning. Go take some food, the serving is over there," Indonesia said warmly pointing to a long table filled with Indonesia's delicious traditioanal dishes.

"Let's go take some food, Japan," America pulled Japan's hand and chose a plate of Nasi Goreng while Japan ate Bubur Ayam.

"It's really good," America commented after tasting the dish. Indonesia smiled, she was glad the guests were enjoying themselves.

Soon the other countries came to the breakfast patio and ate. "So Indon, what are the schedules for today?" Malaysia asked.

"I told you not to call me that, Malaysia," Indonesia replied a bit angry, "So today, the magic trio is going to set up the ritual."

"Will it hurt?" Phillipines asked worriedly.

"Not really. Maybe a bit because it needs to make sure that you still keep your immortality and fast healing skills. But that's it. It won't hurt much. I promise," Indonesia, the ASEAN's resident magic user replied reassuring her sister.

"Speaking of which. They've arrived," Singapore replied pushing his glasses coolly.

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