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3rd Person POV

The sky was in a lovely shade of blue when the first day of school finally came. The nations were just waking up as they quickly changed into their old gakuen uniform since they will get their new school uniform later that day.

The nations, who were actually quite excited at sleepy at the same time, walked into the patio to eat a brekfast of delicious pancakes with maple syrup thanks to Canada.

Before going, Indonesia would do some announcements as usual. "Okay guys, don't forget to use your human names. If it is possible, make your nation names be known as nicknames so it would not be suspicious if you slip up. Also, don't try to attract attention or the teachers would keep a closer eye on you. Don't drink alcohols or talk about inappropiate things. You are twelve years old," Indonesia reminded.

"We got it, Indon. C'mon let's go I don't want to be late," Malaysia replied holding up her red bagpack as she along with other nations walked to the front door.

They walked to the car as the driver drove them to the school came into view. The huge blue building stood proudly as the Indonesian flag waved in the wind gracefully. As they reached the lobby, they stepped out of the car and walked on the wide white stairs.

"We're supposed to go to the auditorium," Indonesia informed. "Last time I heard, it is in the third floor," Singapore remarked as they found the stairs that will lead them to the third floor.

They finally founded the auditorium and they sat down, waiting for the minutes to go by. They didn't notice that some nations slipped out of the auditorium silently.

At last, the auditorium was filled with new students from grade 7 and 10. When it was 7.15 AM, the principal walked into the stage and did some speech.

In the middle of the speech, the big brown wooden door burst open revealing America, France, Spain and  Prussia doing the pose similar to the Kungfu Panda one.

Indonesia silently swore as she gestured them to sit down and apologized to the principal for them. 'When will they grow up?' Indonesia silently thought as she added a mental note to scold them later.

After the principal gave a long speech and introduced them to all of the teachers in the school which they didn't bother to memorize because they were very lazy. After that, the student organization and council gave another speech explaining that for the first week in the school, they will have a student orientation progam (SIP).

"We get to miss the first week of school, ate," Philippines grinned as the SO president gave a speech about the organization. After a lot of boring speeches, they announced the SIP classes which consist the ASEAN being together and the axis powers and allies together, and all those other groups.

So they went into their respective groups and walked into their classes.

Indonesia's POV
So we walked down the stairs into some halls before we entered our class. The walls were white while there were neat rows of seats and tables. In front of the room was a big white board.

The room was cool, the way I like it. I took a seat next to Phili and Mal. There was a seat next to me that was first unoccupied but was soon occupied by an energetic young half Indonesian-Chinese girl. She has dark hair that was tied up and she wore black glasses.

"Hey, my name is Olive and you?" the girl smiled bursting with energy.

"My name is Lia. It's a pleasure meeting you," I replied smiling back.

"That's Nor Aishah from Malaysia," I introduced, "And this is Maria from Philippines."

"It's nice to meet you," she smiled cheerfully shaking their hands.

I smiled. It's nice to meet one of my citizens. I would look forward to meeting everyone in this school. But for now, the sergeants who is the SO members are telling us about the progam and the rules and the schedules as they handed as the handbook.

I skimmed the handbook before the sergeants announced that it was ice breaking session where we are supposed to mingle with other people.  Not breaking the real ice eventhough it sounds like a fun thing to do.

So the whole class introduced themselves. Even before introducing their names, I arleady knew a thing or two about their lives as their nation.

So we learned some random yel-yels and memorised some songs. And then we sang Indonesia Raya, our national anthem and the school song before going home.

I look forward to eating Indomie at home. It tastes good.

Hey guys, thanks for reading the chapter! I'm basing the school on my school, so it might be different from other school. And you guys know who Olive is right? *winks*

So that's it. For next chapter, it will probably continue the SIP progam. Then we will start the new school. If you want your OC to be a character in this school, please mention it. Thank you so much for reading!

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