12. Holiday Time, Nations!!!

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After the dinner, Indonesia distributed all of the schedules to everyone. Then they packed their bags and slept early.

They woke up at 5.30 AM and they ate a breakfast of spaghetti courtesy to Italy. After getting enough coffee and tea for everyone, who couldn't function without it, they went to the airport.

They arrived at the airport at 7.00 AM and after some check-ins they were free to explore the third terminal of Sukarno-Hatta International Airport, which was so far, more modern since it was newly built.

As they awaited for their flight at 8.15 AM, some of them chose to buy more coffee due to their sleep-deprived states while some chose to troll the nations and people alike. At least, they didn't get banned from the airport (is that possible?) or be mistaken as terrorists.

Finally they boarded the plane. The flight to Jogjakarta will only last for an hour and most of them decided to sleep only to be awoken by Prussia banging pans together (how did he get the pans at the first place in a flying plane?)

Finally they arrived at Adisutjipto Airport feeling grumpy for a certain Austrian and a hyperactive Prussian. And let's not forget to mention the other nations who are currently getting the effect of too much caffeine. So now, Indonesia's grumpy as they check-out and got their baggage.

Outside the airport a man with chocolate brown skin, dark eyes, kind and mischevious smile lingered in the corner. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he spot his oldest sister with other nations who are potential prank victims.

Indonesia smiled when she sees her younger brother, "JAWAAAAAAA!" The other nations turned to look at Indonesia hugging the person she calls 'Jawa?'. It was only right for them to be confused. The only one the existence of Indonesia's islands was Indonesia, Australia and the rest of the ASEAN 10 plus Timor Leste.

"Who is 'Jawa', da?" Russia asked his best friend, his purple eyes confused. Indonesia smiled before introducing, "This is Agus or known as the personification of Java Island. He will help me in guiding all of you guys in this tour."

"YOU HAVE YOUR ISLANDS PERSONIFIED?" They all shouted schocking the people in the airport. "Yeah, it's not something new guys I mean America got his states personifies so does Canada and his provinces," Indonesia stated.

"WAIT, ALFRED YOU GOT CHILDREN?" Arthur shouted shocking everyone in the airport who was starting to get used to the crazy shouts happening.

"MON DIEU, MATTHEW WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL ME YOU GOT CHILDREN ?" France shouted a second after Arthur shouted.

"Uh yeah," America and Canada replied shrinking due to the serious and deadly stares they received from their caretaker.


(Pocong is a creepy ghost wrapped in white clothes in case you don't know. If you want to see what it looks like, go search it up on google)

The next days were a blur...
Cause they had too fun....
And they happend to forget some of their experience....
So here's the moments they remembered....

Moment 1:
It was another day in Komodo Island in Lesser Sunda. And today, they were going to meet komodo dragons which are the biggest species of lizards in the world.

"Yay, I'm so happy Doitsu, today we are going to visit some komodos," Italy smiled as he skipped toward Germany who was reading the local newspaper.

"I'm also excited Italy," Germany replied lowering his newspaper.

Little did they know, the komodos were feeling a it hungry since they haven't eaten in a few days.

A few minute later....
"AAAAAAHHHHHH GERMANYYYYY. THIS KOMODO IS TRYING TO MEEEE. IM SCARED.VEEEEEEEEE," Italy screamed as a komodo chased him and other fellow nations including the axis and allies. And they were screaming in a very manly way.

"This looks intresting to watch. Does anyone wants popcorn?" Singapore asked as he suddenly appeared in the thin air.

"Singapore, you scared the hell out of me," Brunei exclaimed looking scared by the fact that his brother just appeared with delicious popcorn.

"I'll have one if you won't mind," Malaysia declared as she took a seat next to Singapore and took a handful of warm and tasty popcorns

"Ah, who should the komodo chase next?" Indonesia asked as she peered her brown eyes over in the distance.

"GO CHASE THE POTATO BASTARD IDIOTA," Romano shouted to the komodo.

"I can hear you," Germany shouted as the komodo was nearing him.

"NO GO CHASE STUPID EYEBROWS," Malaysia screamed as she still hold a grudge with her colonizer.

"WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?" England shouted.

"Hmmm...This tastes good," Philippines commented as she ate the popcorn.

Moment 2:
Let's just say that the Bad Touch Trio did something very stupid so they got a punishment which is being dragged by Indonesia and thrown into Mount Agung which is active.

"AHHHHHH. GOD SAVE OUR SOULS," shouted France.

Meanwhile Spain is rapidly cursing in Spanish. While Prussia just slept. He slept all the way to the volcano. I don't know how he was able to do that.

"It's okay guys. I've done a spell to make sure you're not going to burn. You're just going to feel the wonderful heat. And since you're immortal, you're not going to have any problem," Indonesia explained.

"Why did we agree to have this man-slaughtering woman to be our host?" France mumbled.

"Ah, France, you should be reminded that it was random. I just got chosen randomly and I'm not happy with that. But don't worry, I gurantee that this experience will have zero casualities," Indonesia commented.

They four stood in the mouth of the mountain. The lava boiled. Suddenly Agus appeared out of nowhere and pushed the BTT into the lava. And they shrieked in a very manly way.

Moment 3:
They were riding a small plane to one of the islands. It was a very small plane and it could only fit them. And the pilot happend to fainted in the middle of the flight. And then the co-pilot also fainted which mean the plane is falling.

There were a lot of cursings. Not only in English, but in other languages. It was certainly colorful.

Meanwhile, a certain Canadian slipped in the cockpit and handled the flight. At last the plane was stable and playing 'Canadian please' over the speaker.

"I know you want to be canadian-,"

"MATTHEWWWWWW," could be heard from the cabin. More canadian music could be heard. And it was raining maple syrup which caused everyone to have diabetes in the future. XD

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Greetings. I managed to write this despite my laziness. I'm suffering in the mountain of homeworks and tests. Next chapter, will be like the first day of school and I'm going to do a class list later so you won't be confused. Also, THANKYOU SO MUCH for voting and reading and commenting. It made my day. Even though the book is cringy and lack more vocabulary and maybe have some bad grammar, you're still reading it. I really apreciate it. So bye, have a GREAT TIMEEEEE.

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