7. Bring in ITALY DRIVING!!!

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"Ok, so how are we even going to drive. We're underage bastards," Romano spluttered.

"We can call the taxi or use...," Indonesia answered before being pulled into the car by a happy Italian. And the italian was Feliciano. And he also pulled Germany, Japan and anyone near him, which happend to be England and America. Then Feliciano did the worst thing.

He drove.
He's underage.
And a crazy driver.

"WHAT THE HELL ITALY, I DEMAND YOU TO STOP!!!" Germany ordered but Italy kept on driving.

"HELP EVERYONE HELP," Indonesia shouted as her head hit the car for the third time, "Ouch."

"I'm calling 911," America said as he tried to dial the phone.

England stammered, "Bloody git, that only work in North America."

Back at home
"Ate Malaysia, I'm scared for Ate Indonesia's sake," Philippines.

Malaysia replied, "Me too. That crazy Indon is always making me worry."

"I'm not sure that they will end up fine. They broke a lot of laws already that it's a miracle they won't end up in jail," Singapore added.

"Think positive, Singapore!" Philippines smiled, "Let's hope for the best."

"Maybe we can chase them?" Brunei suggested.

"Sure, there's a Transjakarta (public bus) stopping here in a few minutes. Does anyone wants to join?" Singapore asked.

"The Awesome me must join in this fun," Prussia declared.

"Well, I need to go save my brother," South Italy explained.

Spain smiled,"And I shall go with you."

"No way you tomato-bastard," Romano grunted.

At the end the BTT (Bad Touch Trio) with the SEA family and Romano, Russia, Austria and Hungary decided to go.

At the bus.
"FRANCE STOP ON MOLESTING THE DRIVER AND EVERYONE STOP ON FIGHTING," Malaysia shouted because the rest of the nations are scaring the citizens.

Meanwhile back to Italy driving.

"Well, in this rate we're going to end up in jail," Indonesia commented before pausing to look at Japan who was in a panic state, "Hey Japan you okay?"

Japan didn't replied. He was such in a a panic state that it scared Indonesia.

"I'm going to take that as no. Italy go to the left," Indonesia instructed. Instead Italy went to the right and crash into Bundaran HI.

*Add in some heavy swearing for the next few minutes*

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*Add in some heavy swearing for the next few minutes*

"What just happened?" Indonesia asked, "And why am I wet?"

"Italy crashed," Japan answered.

Suddenly, a bulky looking police appeared angry, so the nations did the only thing possible. Running away.

But they were chased by the police so they were caught. And they got on TV. And America made it into a meme.

At Istana Negara (Indonesia's White House, I guess?)

"Pak ada telepon untuk anda," one of the workers handed the phone to Jokowi.

Jokowi reached the phone and heard, "Pak, Indonesia nabrak di kolam di bundaran HI."

If Jokowu could facepalm. He did it mentally. Somehow.

And somehow, they didn't went into jail. Maybe because of diplomatic immunity. Or because they paid the fine.

But they got on TV. So now the whole Jakarta is reluctant into letting Italians drive. Underage or not.

Poor Italy :(

And the rest of the nations who were chasing them miss the fun. Obviously.

"Sir there is a phone for you."
"Sir, Indonesia crashed into the pool in bundran HI"

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