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1. The sh*t story
So one day miss sherly told them a story.

"One day, Alfred founded sh*t. He wasn't sure it was sh*t, so he stepped on it. It felt like sh*t. But he still wasn't sure it was sh*t so he picked up the sh*t. It felt sh*tty. So he decided to taste the sh*t. It tasted like sh*t. So he confirmed it was sh*t-"

"WAIT WHAAAAAAT!? I WILL NEVER DO THAT. THAT SOUNDS DISGUSTING. REVOLTING. HORRIBLE," Alfred exclaimed throughout the story. His expression was priceless. So Hungary decided to photo it to commemorate the moment or as a blackmail material.

(A\N: She did really tell us the story. Even with all of those swear words. XD)

2. Doing things Mentally

So one day, at English lesson Prussia decided to say something like:

"I'm going to do my test paper mentally."

"Then I will check it mentally," she smirked back which means a 0 on the report card.

3. Shame on you

*After someone did something disgraceful*

"Shame on you lah," she said in a unique tone after Alfred's and Prussia's actions has caused many teachers to complain about their disastrous actions.

4. How to check if it is a swear word or not

One time, there was a swear jar. But some of them want to confirm if b*tch is a swear word.

"Miss, is b*tch a swear word?"

"B*tch also means female dog, miss."

"Wait, so if we call a female dog a b*tch, it's okay right miss?"

Miss Sherly sent a murderous stare that scared the hell out of them.

"I want you to go to the principal office and tell the principal that word. If she becomes angry, it is a swear word. But if she's not, it is not a swear word."

None of the students imagined doing that, so the class stayed silent for a few minutes...

5. How to not swear

One time, the teacher caught Choco swearing.

"If you want to swear, use food names. For example: In the name of delicious pancakes with maple syrup, why are you doing that?"

Choco could only nod.

(A\N: Canada would be very proud)

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