14. Signatures and Preparations!

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"Hurry up," Indonesia shouted, "We're going to be late." One of her hand hoisted her red bag pack up while her other hand was waving frantically in the air.

"We're coming," Malaysia replied as she and the other nations ran down the stairs into the front court before going inside their van.

At last, they were seated in the van since going to school was always a challenging thing due to the fact some of them were very lazy and sleepy as they were not really a morning person.

"Today is the last day of SIP," Philippines announced happily. She smiled recounting the days where they explore the big school, do some lining up and those flag raising thing and all more fun stuffs.

"Well after SIP, the normal learning and teaching activities will commence," Singapore commented as he furiously typed something on his laptop.

"That means, we need to study math and physics and biology and economics and all those HARD lessons," Brunei sighed.

"Well, you can always study," Indonesia replied, "C'mon we're arriving guys."

In the school a few hours later....

"Our class needs to perform in the talent show," the sergeant announced.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT???" Malaysia stammered, "I'm too lazy to perform."

Indonesia face palmed hearing this. "Well, we need to think something up," she replied.

Well, after discussing with the whole class they come up with a drama. And since they do not know what drama to used, they decided to pick randomly. And they got Snow White and the 7 dwarfs. But they renamed it to Snow White and the 7 messed up dwarfs.

So yeah, they practiced. And practiced untill it was time for them to go to the auditorium.

So when they got to the auditorium, they were told they need to get the signatures of all of the sergeants. But before getting the signatures, the sergeants might ask them to answer a question or do something. And the number of sergeants is a lot, reaching 50.

"Dafuq," America sighed, "I'm too lazy to do this." The others nodded.

Meanwhile, Indonesia was rapidly answering all the questions. And the question that the seargants ask were kind of difficult and personal so the seargants were like 'How did the girl even answer that question without even asking others? Have she been stalking our lives?'

And Indonesia was "Ohhh hell no, I'm not just any random girl, I'm just your awesome nation."

*flash mlg glasses and air horn in the background*

"STOP ON BEING AWESOME," Prussia shouted across the hall.

A few minutes later...
"What's my brother's name?"
"What's my rank on CS:GO?
"Gold Nova II."
"What's my favourite lesson?"
"Mathematics and Physics."

And those kind of questions seems to go forever and ever...

But Indonesia finished them all in 8 minutes out of the 45 minutes given...

Indonesia is legit awesome.

After the singnature thingy end...
"Okay, so it's time for group number 2 to perform," the sergeant said.

They quickly wore their costumes and assemble the props and decorations.

"Good luck guys. Let's try our best," Indonesia winked.

I'm so sorry guys. I really need to rewrite the script and I'm going to put it into the next chapter. Sorry for this let-down chapter.

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