18. When Physics and Maths kill people

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After the football/soccer match, the students needed to change to their uniforms before continuing to their next class which is Physics.

When they all have seated, a man with thick and very curly hair that has an uncanny resemblance to a bird's nest. He also wore glasses.

After introductions, they founded out that his name is Mr. Edward and he's going to teach Physics this year.

And then he started teaching the lesson starting from base quantities and then to prefixes, standard form, vector and scalar, forces, pendulum, moments, acceleration, displacements, density, mass and all of those topics. (A/N: I'm actually amazed I can remember this long XD).

Meanwhile Olive just sat gaping at the board. "What is this," she asked quietly just enough for her people sitting next to her.

"Um, physics?" Lule replied as she took note of what the teacher explained. And teachet also need to repeat every lesson two times for Italy's sake.

And at the end of their lesson, the teacher decided it was a good idea to have a pop quiz. A pop quiz of all ideas that he could choose! And the lessons were confusing at the very least!

So now the 28 students are sitting, desks seperated from each other, doing their Physics test. Some of them were staring with burning intensity at the paper while some of them were writing scribbles of frustation.

At the end, the time was finally finished. The teacher stood and collected all of the papers.

"That was hard," Lule muttered, wiping a sweat from her forehead.

"Hard?" Olive stated, "That was insane!"

"Well," Choco replied, "Let's hope we pass."

The next period was Math. Just right after physics. Just fantastic.

Then, a woman with dark brown hair and glasses stepped into the classroom. She was holding a pile of math books before placing them in the teacher's desk at the front left corner. She introduced herself and told them that her name is Miss Michelle and she's from the Philippines.

She then explained about Algebra was a bit confusing especially when it come to the world problems.

She then distributed a pile of worksheets that should be completed and submitted at the next meeting which was on tomorrow.

"Greaaaaaaat," Olive mumbled, "Does anyone wants to work together?"

"Sure," Devine replied.

So that night, they were frantically trying to finish all of the exercises given out. Finally at Midnight, they managed to finish all of it.

The next morning.....

"Uhhh," Lule said while poking Olive and Devine, "Are they okay?"

Sasa replied, "They should be or they're dead."

And that is how people get killed guys. Take note of this. So the moral of this story is that Mathematics will eventually kill you.

Btw, Mathematics is Matematika in Bahasa Indonesia. And the word Matematika have the word 'Mati' on it which means Death. So mateMATIka.


Hey guys! Sorry for this short chapter. School's been crazy and I was really busy on studying and reading Webtoon. And I'm typing this in the school library since I'm not picked up yet.

Thanks for reading guys! All your votes and comments and reads and support made up my day! Like this prove life has something worthy to offer and I actually did something in life.

I'm going to try my best to write more but I'm just gonna hope I have inspiration so I can finish writing this book! Thanks guys!!! :D

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