15. Once Upon A Time...

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Note: This is basically the part 2 of last chapter. I decided to rewrite it cause it's full of bad grammar and messed up plots. Enjoy this long chapter~

"Good luck guys," Indonesia smiled, "Break a leg."

"But that hurts," America winced.

"It's an expression, you bloody idiot," England stammered.

"Well, just try your best," Philippines smiled kindly.

"Okay, get ready guys," Indonesia instructed like she usually does, "Toris is raising up the curtains in a few seconds."

Everyone quickly hurried to their positions. They have a show to perform. 

Time skip to several minutes later...
The red velvet curtains has just been raised revealing the set of a palace that Feliciano drew. It was very beautiful and creative featuring a grey castle with gorgeous and intricate details.

"The set's beautiful," France complimented.

"Well, that's Italy," England replied, "What did you bloody expect?"

Then Olive stepped into the stage, holding her script at her hand as she proclaimed the first sentence in the play.

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a very evil queen...

With this, Indonesia entered the stage wearing a beautiful gothic dress designed by Liechtenstein.

Evil Queen: (adoring her looks) Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?

"How did Indonesia become an evil  queen on the first place, aru?" China asked.

America explained, "Well, she's can be dramatic due to the sinetron from her country. But I manage to bribe her with an unlimited supply of Indomie for a month."

"Ah America, that's stupid, aru," China replied, "Indonesia eat a lot of Indomie. Good luck with losing your money, aru."

"Shoot," America stated.

Mirror: No you're not. Snow white is.

Malaysia smirked before Indonesia pretended to looked enraged but being the drama queen she usually is, her acting looks pretty realistic.

Evil Queen: Then I shall find a way to eliminate snow white. Hunter!

"So she's now killing one of her most beloved sister?" France asked.

"It's an acting, idiot!" England retorted.

Singapore quickly entered the scene wielding a sword on his right hand

Hunter: What can I do, your majesty?

With this statement, Singapore bowed down into one knee and ducked his head emotionless.

Evil Queen: Find me Snow White and bring her heart to me. 

"That sounds sadistic," England mentioned.

France replied, "Not neccesarily. War times are way more sadistic."

England nodded.

Hunter: (leaves the stage and the set quickly changed into a sunny ang beautiful forest)

Snow white: (sings a beautiful song)

Deep in the meadow, under the willow.
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.
Lay down your head, and close your eyes.
And when they open, the sun will rise.

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