6. The Return of England the Bunny!

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As the clock beeped 7.30 AM, Malaysia opened her brown eyes. She noticed that she was sleeping with her sister, Philipines and she was twelve year old again. She was wearing oversized clothes that was really uncomfortable.

Just as she sighed, the door opened and steped Indonesia wearing kebaya. She was holding a traditional silk baju kurung saved from their childhood.

"Oh, Malon, you're so cute,my little sister," Indonesia smiled happily running to hug Malaysia.

Malaysia stammered, "Stop that Indon!" She pushed away the hug.

"Awwwww...Don't you love your big sister?" Indonesia pouted, "By the way here's your clothes I saved from childhood. We'll go shopping later!"

Malaysia blushed as she took the cloth. She didn't know that Indon still saves her clothes. She was really a great sister despite being crazy sometimes.

"Hey, tell me when you are done changing clothes. I need to go wake up the others. America, Australia, Austria, England, France, Hungary, Switzerland and Liechtenstein has wolen up. I think they are in the livibg room. Bye~," Indonesia chirped cheerfully.

As Indonesia close the door, Malaysia muttered, "Crazy Indon." She took her clothes and changed into it. It fitted perfectly on her body. She looked at mirror. "I can't believe Indonesia kept it," she whispered only to be heard by a philippine.

"You need to admit that Indonesia is a nice sister," Philippines smiled as she stood up and went up to sit next to her.

Malaysia replied, "She's decent at least. She could also be annoying."

As Malaysia finished her sentence, Indonesia suddenly appeared in the doorway.

"Hello. I'm back and here's your clothes Phil," Indonesia smiled happily handing out a pair of Baro't Saya.

"Thanks kak Indonesia," Philippines smiled happily.

Indonesia asked, "Hey Malon, do you want to see the others?"

"Sure Indon, I have nothing to do in here anyway," Malaysia answered.

They walked into the living room. Most of the nations there were talking with each other. Malaysia couldn't stop fawning each of them. They were too cute.

"I know right?" Indonesia smiled as if she could read her thoughts, "It's normal to see other ASEAN countries as small as this. But England? Netherland? America? And America is not even as tall as Russia despite being a superpower."

"Hey, I heard that Nesia," America shouted as he placed a bunny on England's head, "Now Iggy will finally be complete!

"Hey, I heard that Nesia," America shouted as he placed a bunny on England's head, "Now Iggy will finally be complete!

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"Oh POME (Prisoner Of Mother England) looks so cute right? I ship them," Australia started talking.

England stammered angrily, "Bloody git, stop on calling me that and you can't ship a person with a bunny."

Malaysia was dumbstruck. Her colonizer was a half human half bunny (wait what?). She suddenly fell to the floor laughing.

"Hey malon, you ok?" Indonesia bended down examining her laughing sister.

"My...Colonizer....Is.....Half....Bunny," Malaysia managed between her laughs which cause Indonesia to laugh too.

"Hey Angleterre, let me write a fanfic. England x Bunny right?" France said smiling.

England shouted, "SHUT UP YOU BLOODY FROG!"

France and England started to fight as they always do until Singapore piped up, "Since all of us are here, let's call a shopping expedition."

Drastically, all the boys turn pale. Like literally pale. As white as ghost.

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