Those Bloody Pigeons

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Video Log

I don't know how to tell you this or if you'll believe me but... I'm best friends with Spider-Man.

Yeah... My best friend Peter Parker, who I used to take bubble baths with when I was three, is Queen's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Well not so friendly to the people he's saving other people from...

Looking past the whole superhero thing... Which is a big deal, I know... But looking past that... Peter is also, well besides my bestie since we were little... -Which I would like to point out... Again... Just to make sure you got that...- He is an incredibly sweet and funny person, much like me.

Well, I may not be as funny as him but I'm adequate at humor... Okay... -I-I'm a-average to like a little good but that's not the point. The point is... Actually I don't know where I'm going with this...

I just kinda... like reaaaally wish I was part of the Avenger's too.

Eh well talk to you again tomorrow, not like there is going to be much interesting going on in my life but I'll talk about Peter again... probably.

End of Video Log


I closed my video camera and tossed it in my backpack. I grabbed some money from the shoe box under my bed and a notepad and pencil. Then I excitedly rushed out of my apartment going to Delmar, Peter's and my favorite sandwich place.

From before I knew that Peter swung around in red and blue spandex saving people, I used to have this weird obsession of drawing him. Not him as in Peter... I mean Spider-Man... I used to draw Spider-Man... Cause drawing Peter would just be weird and stalker-ish...

I was kinda hoping I could ask Peter to pose for me or something so I could draw him more based on real life than my imagination but I thought it would be awkward to ask...

So I was planning to ask him today...

I skipped happily in to Delmar's with a literal spring in my step and ordered Peter's and my sandwiches. As I waited for Peter to come I doodled in my notebook, playing with the lines.

"Damn Y/N! How do you do that?!" Peter asked, scaring the living daylights out of me

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"Damn Y/N! How do you do that?!" Peter asked, scaring the living daylights out of me.

"Jeez Pete..." I exhaled dramatically with a hand over my heart. "You just have to practice." I closed my notebook and stood up to hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"So wanna head to my place?" He asked chuckling.

"Um sure, but I'm eating my sandwich as we're walking. I'm not waiting till we get there." I pointed out gesticulating wildly. He laughed at me and nodded in agreement.

We were just strolling casually on the sidewalks, taking bites out of our sandwiches on our way to Peter's, while I started to pay more attention to the little details of everything around me. I observed, as an artist would, the differences in people's facial features, the various shades of colors the trees and plants had in this particular sunlight. I detected a couple trying to make out in public behind a tree, failing miserably at not attracting attention to themselves, as well as that one person on the street with crazy fashion sense also attracting attention but this time it wasn't unwanted. Ostentatious humans... I've never understood them...

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