Those Bloody Pigeons Pt 2

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Sunlight was pouring in through my bedroom window. The soft rays providing me with warmth as they danced over my face. You know that comfortable feeling, when the night before you had taken a shower and you're laying in bed just waking up, to the most snug, cozy sensation of the bed sucking you in. That my friend is exactly what I felt and you can probably imagine how hard it must have been to part with my dear bed, yet aversely I did so.

When I managed to unstick the strands of my hair stuck to the drool on my face and sufficiently felt disgusted with myself, I realized that I fell asleep in my clothes. I pulled a Marty McFly... (Marty slept with his face down in his clothes snoring slightly, mouth open with a little drool.)

I had always wanted to do that...

So after reveling in my accomplishment, I started wondering why I would even pull a Marty McFly... I loved not sleeping with my bra on and my nightie has a very silky feel to it... That's when I remembered...

That creep of a guy, Norman Osborn, experimented on me!

What even where all those things he injected in me, what was he hoping to accomplish, what if I turn out to be an experiment gone wrong, what is going to happen to me and is there any way to fix me, to reverse whatever the heck he did?

All those thoughts floated around in my mind slowly yet increasingly aggravating me to the point where out of frustration, somehow, in the blink of an eye, I found myself in the kitchen getting a glass of orange juice. I was sure I walked down but, I'm usually not that fast... especially in the mornings. I shrugged it off, I mean I couldn't even remember how I got home last night, all I remembered was unleashing my great fury upon that dingbat scientist. What a piece of guano...

Despite shrugging it off, I walked extra slow back to my room after eating some cereal to get ready for school. Once I was dressed I grabbed my books and my bag and walked to the subway, hoping to find a wild Peter along the way.

While I waited for my stop I got increasingly annoyed at how loud everyone was inside the sub train and rude, might I add. Without looking at who was talking, I heard an old lady say how she thought a girl with one side of her head shaved looked like a pin head... Yes those words exactly, quite the spry attitude for an elderly woman I must say. A younger man was perversely admitting aloud that he liked the way a woman's cleavage looked and what made it even stranger was that no one reacted to that. Lastly, there was this one little kid that kept whining and petulantly complaining that he wanted to pee.

You can guess how weirded out I was, or rather appalled at hearing all these things and no one's immediate reaction. People usually get offended over the smallest of things like the look a total stranger gives them as they randomly walk by, but today it seems people were just speaking their degenerate pervy minds freely with no consequence. What made it even stranger, was when I looked to put the faces to the foul mouthed people, no one was talking... but I could still hear them...

I must be going nuts. My mom always said my imagination was very active but this can't just be in my imagination, it has to have something to do with the freaky incident last night. Although another peculiar thing about today was that I was completely fine in the morning and I routinely decided to go to school, not uttering a word about what happened to anyone. That, even for me, is exceptionally queer.

I always thought if I was hurt or bothered by someone I would deal with them but also tell someone, like the police for instance... Regardless of that thought, I had no intention to call the police or even report the crazy scientist that fell of his rocker and I didn't even know why.

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