Chapter 1

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(First day of nursery/kindergarten)

"Emma." My mummy said as she walked in through the doorway to my room. Her brown hair pulled into a high pony tail and her black heels dangling from her hand ready to get going to work.

"Emma Louise King , you're still in your pyjamas! " She exclaimed "We're going in 5 mins," she said passing me my navy and white striped top and my denim jeans, aka my sailor outfit! I changed from my pjs into the outfit that I thought to be perfect for my first day at nursery.

I let my mum pull a brush though my very thick hair, it was kinda blonde but kinda brown too but I think looks cool. One day I'm gunna grow it super long and plait it down my back so I look like Repunzel, it's far too short now though and it looks like a bush on my head.
Despite its frizzy nature my mum manages to pull it into pig tails, how she got it to look presentable I'll never know.

My stomach tied itself into a tight knot that grew ever larger as I walk down the stairs thinking about all the other children I would meet and have to play with. The sheer thought of not having Grace, my older sister to play with me made me want to rush back to my bed and demand I never go to school.

Grace was at big school now and we don't play as often as we used to but it's always been great fun. You see I've never really played or talked to children my age. Mummy sometimes takes me to the park and I watch from the safety of the swings as the other children run around recklessly and end up falling and hurting themselves, which didn't really look like much fun to me.
My daddy wasn't around much cause he has to go to work a lot but I love it when he's home because he's the best reading bedtime stories, with the voices and everything.

Once I grabbed a slice of toast I was hurried into the car by my mum, strapping me into the car seat before driving away from the safety of my house.

All the leaves on the trees we starting to turn orange and brown, it was my favourite time of year because the colours all looked so pretty. Despise the fact that it was September, the little town of Mullingar wasn't  as cold as it usually is.

Before I knew it the car was turning into a car park and the engine was turned off.
Maybe I could say I was poorly and get to go home or I could pretend I was too tired and simply couldn't go in to school.

However I didn't want to bother my mum and make her late to work so I kept quite as she unstrapped me from me car seat and lead me through the green gates and down the path to the entrance of the building.
Once we reached the door my mum turned to me giving me a big hug and a quick peak on the cheek  " Have a good day munchkin"  she said before she walked back up the path. I watched her long hair swaying from side to side as she got further and further away from me, as she reached the gate, barely in sight, she turned and have me a small wave and then she was gone.

I was then lead inside and into the classroom by the teacher with curly ginger hair which for some weird reason made me feel a little less sick to my stomach.

Having decided I didn't want to sit next to the boy who thought sticking his finger up his nose was a great idea, I made my way to the back of the class next to a small boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He was biting his nails furiously, he must be as nervous as I was so I decided to muster up the courage to introduced myself in a effort to make him feel better.

"Hello," I greeted him with a smile "I'm Emma."

He returned the smile and held out his hand.

"Hi Emma, I'm Niall." He replied with a wide grin set on his face. Mission complete, I'd cheered him up and in doing so I made myself feel a lot better too.

Turns out not everyone was not as bad as I thought they would be.
However when we were playing in the wendy house, two girls called Alex and Lauren stole the doll off me, I decided we weren't going to be friends.
Instead Niall and I did some paintings, we couldn't really decide  what to paint so we painted each other.
I gave Niall green hair and red eyes, when he saw it he burst into laughter
"You're an alien" I said giggling admiring my artwork.

"And your a princess" he said showing me the painting he'd done. And indeed I had a gold crown on my slightly lopsided head and a pretty pink dress.

"It's beautiful Niall, I'll keep it forever" I said as he unpinned it from the board and handed it to me.

Once it was time to go I hugged my new friend and we parted ways to greet our mums.
I told my mum about the nasty girls that kidnapped my doll and then showed her the painting that Niall did for me and I told her all about my new friend.


This is my first ever fanfic and I'm super nervous about how it's gunna gosh don't judge the spelling mistakes and the utter cheesiness that will be included.

So yeah this it going under EXTREME editing cause some stuff doesn't really add up and I'm kinda of a massive perfectionist so I just wanna make it better to read.
I had to re write this chapter (Again) cause it was pretty shitty . Xxx Thanks for reading
P.s do you think I should like names the chapters or just leave them how it is, please just let me know.

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