Chapter 4

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I was sleeping peacefully in my little dream world, I was swooping through the skies like a bird, meandering through trees and over rivers. It was exhilarating.

But as I landed back on land again I was rudely pulled for my dreams by a calm soothing voice.

My eyes blinked open and saw my mum, dad and my sister, that had crawled from her bed before I'd even woke, standing eagerly at my door. Which is not creepy at all.
A tray was balanced in my mum's hands, as soon as I saw it I noticed the smell of the most amazing warm pancakes.

The smell woke me up better than any coffee could and I sat up straight in my bed.

"Happy Birthday, Emma sweetie" she said as she all stepped into my room, my dad and Grace followed her careful step, their arms filled with presents covered in multicoloured wrapping paper and a pretty bows.

Did it feel any different to be 11? Not really. But then I guess we don't just age within a day, yeah the number changes but we age and mature day by day. And I'd grown up a lot, not just in the past year but a lot from when I first started school.
I didn't really complain that dad was never home anymore, or expected my mum to make dinner. I ironed my own shirts when I took them off the clothes line, I cooked dinner, with my mum at work and my sister in secondary school , I lived a peaceful life mostly on my own. And I grew up, I matured. Cause that's just life and that's what happens. You grow up.

I ate my pancakes in my comfy bed, and as always, they tasted amazing. Just like every birthday in my family, we all sat round my bed and opened all my presents. I was so happy, I got a camera stand and a case from my mum and dad, my sister got me some books that she knew I really wanted. My dad even got me tickets go go see Derby County play and he said I could bring Niall too. Yass.

"Right birthday girl you better get ready, your Nana and Grandad will be here soon so put your new dress on." Mum took the tray of devoured breakfast off my lap, gesturing to the light blue dress laying on my desk chair.

" Aw" I sighed "It's my birthday, can't I just wear my pyjamas?" Pouting slighly ready to make an argument about the pros of wearing pjs.

But my mum shook her head "You've still got to look presentable, you're friends will all be wearing nice clothes when they come later. And don't forget Niall's coming round in around 15 minuets, So, chop chop" she turned on her heel and retreated downstairs.

Ugh, I folded my arms over my chest in defeat but I knew my mum wouldn't back down.

The dress was actually quite pretty and flowed elegantly as I spun around but it would never be as comfy or amazing as pyjamas.

I slipped on the bracelet that I got Niall and I for his birthday, we'd both worn it everyday. And really I'm quite proud, I'm not the best at getting gifts and on time either I'd usually leave it till last minute like homework but for once I was organised.
Grace then plaited my hair after I nagged her for a bit and before long there was a loud knock at the door that I could recognise anywhere.

Niall was standing at the doorway as I rushed downstairs eager to see him, and get my birthday hug, and well my present too.

"Happy Birthday Emma!" He exclaimed stepping inside and pulling me into a tight hug, spinning me around.

"Thank you" I smiled " But I'm surprised, I thought the door and gate were too mainstream for you."

"Well since it's your birthday," he shrugged "And here you go, your presents" he handed over the small box wrapped in green paper with a dodgy attempt of a bow around it.

I untangled the bow which was a challenge in itself and I ripped off the paper in excitement and let it drift to the floor

In my hands was a small black box, I lifted the lid to reveal a sliver chain with a silver clover pendant, just like the bracelets we had.

"Yeah I kinda stole your idea, but I know how you like things to match and this ones just for you" I looked up at Niall who was starting nervously at me with his hand rubbing the back of his neck, something he would do when he was scared or anxious.

I smiled and pulling him into a hug

"It's beautiful Niall, I love it"

" And I got a NH on the back of it too, look" he pulled back from each other's embrace and took the box that was clutched in my hand. Taking the necklace from it box and flipped it around showing me the back that had in tiny letters NH.
"I'll put it on for yah if you like"
"Yeah sure" I turned around and moved my hair out of the way so he could successfully clasp the present around my neck. I felt the cold metal drop around my collar bone. It slit to the centre and I looked down at it . It was simple but beautiful, I loved it. I felt the necklace fall loose, knowing Niall had got the clasp to work, how he managed with his nails, I'll never know.

A few minuets after Niall arrived my nana and grandad came and we all talked for what seemed like ages. It was nice to talk to them about literally everything, like how much I'd grown, school and what I was gunna do with the rest of my life, that one was a tad heavy for the day but hey ho.
Relief washed over me when the rest of my friends finally turned up with their arms open for hugs and really cute presents and cards.

The day was super fun, we played hide and seek, truth or dare, ordered pizza with loads of different toppings and ate far too much of my chocolate cake.

"Bye, see you at school." I waved goodbye as everyone filtered out of my door and got into their parents cars.

I shut the door and retreated to the living room sinking into the sofa next to my dad who was typing away on his laptop.

"Did you have a good birthday?" He asked

" Yeah it was really fun." I replied looking over to see what he was doing on his laptop, it didn't seem that interesting, something about flights to Australia but I could tell my dad was stressed about it.

" Your mum said that you've been using your camera, can I see what you've been filming?"

I quickly retrieved the camera from where it had been placed on my bedside table and when I peaches the bottom of the stair my dad had already placed the lead into his laptop and I plugged it in and watched as all my footage was uploaded to his PC.

I watched my dad smile at the screen as he watched what we'd been getting up to while he was away. I miss him so much when he goes away for a long time and I know he misses us just as much.

Most of the videos were either music videos Niall and I made when we were bored in the garden or Hollie and I going to our dance lessons. Hollie and I had been going for years and that's really how we become friends

I was thinking for Christmas I could make Niall a video of all the things we'd done. I could find the old videos of us as toddlers and edit them together to make one big memory montage.


Yup that's right guys, if you've read this before you may know that both Niall and Emma had necklaces but I felt it would work better if on, Emma had a necklace. Please tell if you're okay with that or I should change it back cause I really love your feedback thanks

Anyway,Thanks for reading guys, I rewrote this chapter (AGAIN) and will be rewriting more so just bare with me

Be sure to follow my fan account on Instagram
@fetush0ran - the 0 is an zero btw
Love you guys
-Em x

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