Chapter 2

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Since that very first day, Niall and I continued to be friends and the picture he painted of me still hung on my wall.
Of course I had made new friends too, like Tom and Cameron; but also, despite the mean injustice they did to me on that first day, I had befriended the delightful duo of Lauren and Alex . And also a cute girl named Hollie too. We'd created our own little group and everyone knew that we were the best of friends.
But I still love to play with Niall the best cause he's the most fun, we go on adventures to the woods and ride round the street on our bikes, he's super funny and when he laughed its impossible not to join in.

And I remember in year 1 when Niall had announced that he was moving house and the crazy thing was that the house next door was up for sale. I recall myself telling him all about the house at once and before long the moving van drove up on the drive and out hopped Niall, my new next door neighbour.
It was just perfect cause it meant we could walk home together everyday and I didn't have to walk far to go over to his for tea.

Now it's his 11th birthday tomorrow. It took me quite a long time to find him the right present, I mean what do you get a boy for his birthday?
But I was in town one day and I came across a cute little shop selling jewellery, and hung in the window were 2 matching clover bracelets, perfect, I thought, friendship bracelets and Niall's very proud of the fact that he's Irish. When I went in to get them the lady asked if I wanted them to be engraved, even better. So on mine it says NH and his says EK. It's like a two way present.

I was sat comfortably on my bed in my room reading through the book we were studying in school, it wasn't too bad. My room now looked a lot different to what it was when I was a kid, it was now all a very pale pink with bunting hung across all the walls, it's not the biggest of rooms but it was cosy and could fit in a bed and a set of draws which is all I need really.

Suddenly I heard a crash followed by a loud "Crap!"

I looked up from the book to see the painting hung up on the wall in front of me and frowned, what the hell was that. I shrugged it off and continued with my reading but I was yet again rudely interrupted by someone shouting my name.

"Emma!" The voice said and I instantly recognised it "Eeemmaaaaa" Niall shouted.

I got up and looked out my bedroom window to see Niall jumping up and down waving frantically  at me from my garden. Ah yes. Niall had decided that gates and front doors were too mainstream and he had taken to jumping over the fence between our gardens and by the looks of it , and well  the previous sounds, he must have unsuccessfully climbed over and scraped his knee.
But by the grin on his face, I don't think he cared.

"Come out Emma!" He shouted but I was already slipping on some shoes and running down the stairs, down the hall, through the kitchen and out the back door to greet him.

"We have a door you know, and a gate." I said before pulling him into a hug, his hugs were, hands down, the best hugs ever.

"What? Really?" He replied sarcastically "but you see Emma my friend, it's just way more exciting that way, you gotta live life on the edge."
I rolled my eyes at him

" I see you haven't perfected your landing Mr I live life on the edge" I said referring to his grazed knee

"Nah it's alright." He shrugged " Anyway, I have something awesome to show you" he said suddenly super excited
I chuckled following him over to the fence and watched as he climbed back over to his side.
Oh god, why couldn't we just go through the gate.
I lifted my foot onto the plank that joined the fence together and swung my leg over.

Once I successfully dropped down into his garden with out causing an injury I caught up to Niall who was standing under the massive tree he had at the back of his garden.

The leaves on all the tree were starting to change to the orange brown colours that I loved so much. I love Autumn, it's my favourite time of year cause it means it nearly Halloween, then my birthday then it's like practically Christmas which just reminds me of being cosy and hot chocolate,

"Right, was is just so exciting that you just had to jump into my garden and get me to see?" I asked

"Look up"

I did as he said and craned my beak too see where he was referring too.

"No way. That's so cool. Is that what you were doing yesterday?" I exclaimed, I think my jaw was even dropping a little.

The little wooden structure was hidden away in the trees and wasn't anything big or extravagant but it was enchanting and beautiful all the same.

" Yeah Dad and Greg helped me build it." Niall said starting to climb up the ladder leading the way up to where the tree house sat amongst the branches.
I thought I heard sawing and stuff from his garden yesterday and I guess this is what he was doing.

I laughed a little at the thought of Niall actually building the tree house, he hated DIY or anything to do with like manual labour.

"What you laughing at?" Niall asked looking at me below him.

"You mean you watched your dad and Greg build it." I corrected him

"Hey, I was the observational manager."  He said and I just laughed harder.

"Observational manager my arse." I mumbled as I began my own assent up the ladder.

"I heard that." He replied above me.

I hadn't been in many tree houses in my time and by that I mean none at all but I have to say this was the cutest tree house I'd ever seen.
In a row along the floor was loads of multicoloured cushions and pillow which looked really inviting and comfy. It was like them really pretty places you wanted to sit in forever, the fairy lights that were draped around the walls were illuminating the small room making it feel super homely and warm. Dotted around the walls were loads of little posters of bands, singers and video games but one in particular caught my gaze.
I smiled as I stared at it. Hung next to the make shift window and in a cute wooden frame was him painted as an alien with green hair and red eyes.
I went over and plucked it from the wall holding it carefully in my hands.

"Oh yeah, " Niall said coming to sit next to me "it was in my room but I thought I would go a lot better in here."

"I know it's such a good work of art, it just needed to be put up somewhere special" I chucked at my 4 year old selfs artist design

"I don't think Van Gough could have captured my face as well as you did , it's just so..." He said trailing off not sure how to describe a piece of art like that.

"Abstract" I finished his sentence for him looking at it, what was I thinking, why didn't I just paint him like a normal person.

"Yeah just so deep" he said laughing

The rest of the day we spent just chilling in the treehouse, it was just so cool up there, like our own little den that we could hide out in, it was just perfect.

Thank you for reading. So yet again I had to rewrite this chapter cause I realised how shit it was. I'm trying to rewrite some more so just bare with me
-Em xx

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