Chapter 7

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1 month later

"Em" a soft voice whispered in my ear. I swatted my arm in the direction of where it was coming from and clearly missed but still continued to wave my hand arm in the air until I felt a warm hand stop it.

"Emma, you would never make a good ninja, but a great Queen that waves to her subjects, now its time to get up" I heard the unmistakable Irish accent that belonged to Niall.

"Do I have to, can't we just stay in bed?" I groaned into the pillow. "Can't we just say like this forever?"

Today was the day I was dreading, though I wasn't about to tell Niall I was. It was Niall's X Factor audition. He was to drive to Dublin and sing his little heart out, get put through and become an internationally famous pop star.

"Come on, " he wined pulling on my arm though I new very well he wasn't even up yet himself. " if my mam walks in and sees us both naked in bed she'll go ballistic, you know what she'll think."

I rolled over to see his face resting on the pillow his eyes already staring back into mine.. His hair was sticking up in all directions and his eyes were tired, the nerves was starting to appear.
"She'll think we had sex" I said bluntly " and she'll be right" I said not being able to hide the smile that spread across my face.
The worry  in Niall's features faded and he returned the smile. "Yeah, last night was the best night" he props him self up on his elbow and put the other next to me so that he was hovering over me. My skin had already started to tingled and I knew fair well that Niall could see the goose bumps that had surfaced on my arms, but I quickly reminded myself that we actually needed to be up.

"I thought you said we needed to get up?" A smirk played at my lips and my eyebrow raised.

"Ugh" he groaned and climbed off me, walking to his drawers. He pulled on a pair of black boxers and a grey shirt.

"Emmmmmmmmaaa" he groaned for a second time, opening all his draws shuffling through all this clothes. "What should I wear? You're a lot more into this fashion business than I am."

After finding one of Niall's shirts that had been discarded on the floor from last night I pulled it over my head and got out of bed to join Niall who was starting intensely at his clothes.

"Maybe if you actually sorted your clothes into drawers and folded them it would be a lot easier" I shifted through piles of shirts and socks looking for something that would be alright with the grey shirt he had on. I could feel Niall's arms wrap round me and he rested his head on my shoulder looking to see what I was going to pick out.

I found a red check shirt stuffed at the back next to some socks that had holes in them and then picked out a pair of jeans. Now for shoes. I rummaged through the pile of shoes that had been gathering by the door over the past year and were always just thrown back there. I decided on his favourite black and white supras and held the outfit up to him.

"Told you you were better at this than me" he gave me a quick kiss and started to get ready.

I'd gotten myself dressed into the clothes I came in last night and I was sitting on Niall's bed starting at his room. I had this horrible vision that he would go to that audition and never come back, I worried he'd go and meet another girl and never look back at the life he had here, with me.

"Does this look- shit . Em you okay?"

I hadn't realised that I'd let a few tears slip down my face." Oh Em, come here" his arms wrapped around my fragile body as I began to sob loudly on his shoulder

"What am I going to do with out you Niall?" I said between sobs
He pulled back from the hug and held me at arms length while I wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Emma, I'm always here, maybe not right next to you but I'm always a phone call away and anyway I get back tomorrow and if I get through, it'll be 5 weeks until I go to boot camp."
I sighed. He knew I didn't mean just today, I knew he was only gone for a day and I'm not that clingy of a girlfriend. I meant after that, there was no doubt he wouldn't get in. He was an incredible singer and a great musician with a likeable personality, people were just drawn to him. He would get through and he would leave and I'm not ready for that, not at all.

Maura had come in telling us we had no time for breakfast and Niall would have to eat on the way there, she made a few passing comments about the state of his room but didn't really blink and eye when she saw me sat in her sons rooms on a morning. She had made sure to make a packed lunch for him and bring a few spare clothes and things that Greg and Bobby had already loaded into the car.
They were all ready to go by the time Niall and I were standing in his driveway saying our goodbyes.

"Good Luck Nialler, knock em dead" I said with a soft smile.

"I will Em, forever and always" he said lifting up his arm showing the clover bracelet. I lifted up my own and couldn't help but smile.

Niall then got into the car and I gave him a wave before the car drove off into the distance. I didn't stop waving until the car turned the corner at the end of the road.

It was like at the end of Nemo when the fish had escaped from the dentist and they're all floating in the sea in the plastic bags and they say 'What now?'
So I went back inside my house and sat around for a bit.

For the past few weeks I'd been uploading videos to YouTube. Not them kind of videos if that's what you're thinking. Just videos of me sat in my room talking about what I think of things and showing what makeup I used. I'd seen a couple of other people doing it and had decided to join in.
I didn't have that many subscribers but it was fun to do in my spare time and I got to put my editing skills to some use.

I was feeling kinda hungry and decided to kill two birds with one stone and make a video on how to make cookies.

I set up my video camera on the stand in my kitchen and turned it on. Thank god I was home alone, this would look weird to anyone else.

"Hey guys." I said waving to the camera.

"Today I'm going to be showing you lovely viewers how to make one of my favourite snacks. Cookies!"

After shooting and editing the video , I had run out of ideas of what to do with my day. If Niall was here we'd watch a film, find an old board game to play, practice guitar or just talk, the possibilities were endless but he wasn't and I decided the only substitute was to text him to see if he was okay. I took out my phone and typed him a message.

E: Hey Nialler, what you up to? Get there alright? X

N: yeah, I'm in Dublin now and I had to wait in this big ass line and they put my name down and then I did a little interview thing :D x

E: sounds fun. When are you doing your audition?? X

N: it's gunna take aggggess so in like an hour or so x

E: well good luck

I really hope he does okay.

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