Chapter 8

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The next month flew by in what seemed like lightning speed or a flick of a page, starting a new chapter.
And it was a new chapter for Niall because being the amazing singer he was, got through! Yey!
It seemed like just yesterday that he rang me screaming down the phone, I couldn't make out a single word cause he was so happy  but I knew he'd made it. Of course he would.
The gang and I through a massive surprise party when he got back, we even made a cake and everything.

But now he was away at bootcamp, while I was sat studying on my bed at home. He sounded so happy when I rung him this morning, rehearsals were going great, he was meeting all these great people and I said how he was missing out on some exams, lucky bugger. Our call was cut short when he had to get back to rehearsals, all our calls seem to get cut short these days, but you know, I'm so happy for him, he's living his dream.

Studying as always, was a tedious process, it's boring and half the time it feels like none of the information is setting in, but I knew that if I didn't do it, I'd be sure to fail every exam. So yeah, most nights we're spent sat on my bed with a highlighter in my hand, highlighting all the useful words in an attempt to remember them.
But tonight it was no use, even my sheep pyjamas weren't helping, I felt uncomfortable and sick of circle theorems. I threw my highlighter down in defeat and pulled the hair tie off my wrist and gathered my hair up into a ponytail, it was annoying the hell out of me.
I closed my revision guide and laid back on my bed, my eyes were heaving and I was about to fall asleep when I heard the distinct sound of  marimba coming from my desk.
Shit, that might be Niall. I swung my arm across to where my phone was laying and fumbled to answer.

"Hey, Niall, how's it going?" I accidentally shouted in a mad rush to hear how he was doing.
The other end remained silent, something was wrong, he normally is so excited to talk on the phone and makes sure to burst my ear drum when I answer.
"Niall, babe, are you okay?" I continued, my concerned feeling coming through as I spoke.
It wasn't until I heard small sniffles on the other end of the phone he began to speak.

"I, I di..didn't get through" he mumbled so quietly I could hardly hear him.

"Oh, Niall, I'm so sorry." I'm not the best at comforting people, but I need to be strong for Niall. This was, and still is, his dream, as long as I've known him he's always wanted to sing; except that time he wanted to be a pirate, but that's a long story.
"You did amazing to get this far, we're all so proud of you babe, me especially, I know you've always wanted this, there's always next year." 
My door creaked open with my mum popping her head through, she was probably wondering why I was on the phone, I have a very strict studying time, no distractions and all that. A frown appeared on her face as she noticed that one hand was cradling my phone as if my life depended on it and I had somehow started furiously biting my nails on the other hand without even noticing. She mouthed something that I made out to be 'who are you talking to?' And I mouth Niall back before she nodded in understanding and knowing that she would just ask about it later she backed out of the room.
Meanwhile, at Niall's end, over the sound of his sobs I could hear someone in the background shouting.
"Er, Niall, I think someone's shouting your name." I said
It was hard to make out but there was some muffling, which was probably the sound of Niall moving his phone and the dude who was calling his name say " Niall, we need you to come back inside, the judges want to see you." I didn't really know what they could want.

"Erm, sorry Em but I need to go, I'll call you later, okay?"

I barely got to replay with okay when the line went dead.


The man from the crew was already walking back inside, I hardly let her reply before I hung up and  had to jog a little to catch up to him.

"Do you know what this is about" I asked, I know I didn't forget anything. Should I be worried? Damn, I was crying and everything, I probably look a mess with puffy red eyes, they must want to make some good TV, show a load of people crying to make it more dramatic or something. Assholes

The guy lead me to a crowd that was stood in fount of another member of the crew calling out names, beside me were people who were also sent home, like me. The cameras were swarming, as usual, capturing footage of us all upset, and me biting my nails as I grew more and more nervous.

"Niall Horan" I perked up at the sound of my name and glanced around to see that I was being lead back onto the stage where I preformed earlier today.
On the opposite side of the stage stood a group of girls looking as confused and down as I was.

Four other lads joined me as we waited for the judges to break the silence and the tension in the studio.

"Hello," Nicole said

We all mumbled a hi in response, looking round at each other wondering what was going on.

"Thank you so much for coming back, I know judging by some of your faces that this is really hard for you."

Ok so now I'm very confused, where is this going?

"We thought long and hard about it, and we feel your too talented to let go of,"

I turned to the boys beside me. The glimmer of hope of a career in music that had been stomped on earlier today, sparked and it was evident in the lads faces that their hope had also returned.

"We think it would be a great idea to have two separate groups."

Then Simon said

"We've decided to put all of you through to the judges houses."

My eyes widened  and I had no idea how to react. For a moment my heart stopped, we were going through, actually going through, it was happening. A wide smile grew across my face, I turned to the lads next to me and we all started hugging and even crying tears of happiness. Harry, I think his name was,  crouched to the ground covering his face, I hugged him before he got up again and we huddled together into a group hug.

Our heads were together looking down, I started at all our shoes before exclaiming  " I like his shoes, we should all dress like him."  It wasn't funny but we laughed, we all just so happy.

The judges said some stuff but I wasn't listening at all, once they stopped we all went running off the stage like crazy, sprinting towards the people who had already made it through. Jeez, this had to be one of the best days of my life.

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