Chapter 5

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"Go on, make a wish" I urged Niall as he stabbed the middle of the cake and cut the first piece.

It was Niall's 14th birthday and the gang had all gathered round his house for a sleepover and a movie marathon. To keep up the random tradition we had going on, I got Niall a replica of the clover necklace he got me, how could I not. I saw it in that same shop in town and thought I might as well. It's pretty much the same but has a black piece of string instead of the sliver chain.

After devouring the delicious chocolate cake that Maura had baked, we decided it was time for the movie marathon.
We'd all sat in Niall's living room huddled round the TV, watching the first 3 Harry Potters and a horror film, that really scared the shit out of me, but I wasn't about to admit that.

I hated horror movies and they all knew it from last time, so they made me watch it anyway. I'd made an attempt to show then I wasn't scared and that I'd grow up a bit since we watched a horror movie but by the end, I was clutching a pillow and screwing my eyes shut so I wouldn't see what terrible things were happening on the screen.

By now I think everyone was asleep,but I couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes I thought something would grab my leg in my sleep or some creepy shadow on the wall would posses me or something.
I hated how dark it was, the way the wind whistled outside and the street lamps shone through the window, causing a creepy shadow of a tree to fall over living room, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and every creek or sound I heard made me tremble in fear.

"Niall?" I whispered hoping he was still awake to comfort me.

We had organised ourselves so that Niall and I were top and tailing on the sofa while everyone else was on the floor. Except Tom who had somehow fell asleep sitting up in the armchair which looked pretty creepy.

"What?" He muttered from the other side of the sofa. I could hardly make out his features in the low light but I new he was there with me.

"Are you awake?" I asked, I knew he was from the fact the he answered that he was but he might be tired and choose to ignore me, then pretend to be asleep so I'd leave him alone.

"Yeah, well I am now, you alright?" He answered and I could feel him moving under the cover we were sharing.

"Oops, sorry. It's just that erm, I'm kinda scared, is it okay if I sleep next to you?" I asked a little worried that he might say no or just think I'm being silly that I'm scared of a film.

But either way he answered "Yeh, sure" he replied as he moved around, shuffling over to make room for me.

Quickly, I shifted over to Niall's end of the comfy sofa and snuggled next to him. He now was in the corner and I had my head resting on his shoulder which was surprisingly comfortable and defiantly less scary that sleeping on the other side. It was nicer him being beside me, I could feel his newly bleached blonde hair tickling my forehead and his feet were entwined with my own, his chest, rising and falling with each breath he took. Smelling his new cologne that his dad had got him mixed with his usual Niall scent, I felt safe.

"Well there's really no point trying to go back to sleep now then," Niall said

" Sowy" I apologised, sticking out my bottom lip even though I new he couldn't see me.

"It alright, I couldn't really sleep anyway."

" you okay? You usually fall asleep really quickly." I asked, that wasn't like the Niall I knew.

" Yeah I'm fine. But what about you Emma, how's life" his voice shook and he had quickly changed the subject, I knew he was lying but I shrugged it off, if it was important he would have told me, we're best friends after all.

" Well, My life's pretty good to be honest, although I do feel like it's too good, like there is a storm about to come because I've been so happy and lucky. I wish I would stay this happy forever."I said with  a smile.
It was true, I've been so lucky. I have a great family that supports me no matter what, I have awesome friends and an even more awesome best friend. But I have been worried lately, Niall will always be my best friend but I've been thinking, I really do like him more than that. I know it can't happen though, we are just friends and I'm scared it'll just ruin our friendship. Plus, he probably doesn't even think of me that way.

"So,What do you see yourself doing when your older?"Niall asked

"Jeez Niall, Is this some kind of life quiz or something? I mean I try not to think about that too much but I want to do something that I enjoy, I enjoy filming , I enjoy editing and I enjoy eating and sleeping." I answered.

"So Niall," I began turning the tables on him " What do you wanna do with your life?"

" I really wanna be a singer, I want to play my guitar in front of loads of people. But not forever later in life I want to settle down and have a family."

" sounds fun" I whispered suddenly realising how loud we were being and that our friends were still in the room and I wasn't keen on waking them up with the oddly deep conversation Niall and I were having.

"How about you, do you want to get married and have kids?" Niall asked turning to the side so we were facing each other. Even in the lack of light, I could see that his hair was tucking up in all directions and his face held a smile that was spread across his face.

" Er wow that's deep," my eyes darted around, anywhere but his eyes that I knew were staring directly at me, " well erm yeah but I'd like to travel places and explore new things first, before I settle down with anyone." I said thinking a little.

The corner of his perfect smile had twitched into a smirk "I could just imagine you doing that, traveling all round the world, pulling funny faces and making poses next to all the famous landmarks and stuff"

"Well you don't have to imagine Niall, because of course I'll take you with m-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because I was cut off by Niall's lips meeting mine. My eyes widened in surprise but I quickly got used to the feeling of his soft lips against mine and closed them, enjoying my very first kiss, this was my first kiss, my actual first kiss and it was with my best friend, Niall, who I actually really liked. And I wouldn't want it with anyone else.

While my mind was spinning, his lips moulded with mine perfectly, like they were meant for each other. And we both pulled away with grins on our faces.

I didn't know what to say, that he was a good kisser? Which he was but that wasn't usually what people are supposed to say. But what is a normal thing to say after your best friend, that you've had since you were a kid, just kissed you?! I went with the safe option of saying nothing and snuggling into the crook of his neck, never feeling so safe and happy as I slowly drifted to sleep that night.

A/N so yeah I went with the original idea that they both have necklaces cause I can't be arsed with changing literally the entire plot of the story and the new cover. Speaking of the new cover, does anyone actually like it? Please let me know, I love hearing from y'all. And again I'm trying to edit all the chapters as fast as I can.
Please vote and add to your library's, I really appreciate it.
Have a good day
-Em x

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