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The young prince was sitting on his throne, looking up into the horizon; as if he was waiting for something. Or rather someone to be more exact, it's been 10 years since the war passed; the war between Jupiter and Saturn. It started off as a dispute on who was more powerful, later on progressed into the two planets becoming enemies; and eventually resulted into a full scale war. Jupiter had won the war, leaving saturn in a catastrophe; and killing many innocent civilians. The prince remembered himself as a child, around the age of 8; and how his planet also had a share in the war. His father, the king of Crozonia; had made an alliance with the king of Jupiter. Together, they took down Saturn and left it in a state of disaster.

The sound of the doors to the throne room opening alerted the Prince that he was finally here. His top admiral was giving his weekly report of progress and news in the galaxy.

"What took you so long Admiral? I was starting to lose my patience." The Prince said through gritted teeth, "Next time don't waste my time like that, Or else I'll have to find a more capable person for your position."

The Admiral bowed down immediately, "I am so sorry Prince Jaron, this will not happen again. While gathering information, we happened to cross some unusual readings of planet earth. This took us some time to understand and collect the data that I am now presenting in front of you." The Prince lifted his head up from his resting position.

"Unusual Readings? How so?" The admiral got up and made a projection of the data using his magic.

"We have found unusually high voltages of magic coming from the planet occupied by non-humans. We understand that there are some magical beings who walk among there, but these readings show of extraordinary intensity." The admiral knew at this point that he had gotten the prince's interest in the matter, for it was very difficult to interest him in anything. The Prince was a short tempered and vain being, whom his own father feared of.

"Tell me Jasper, what conclusions have you guys come up to? Or did you just analyze the data and come to no result?" The admiral gulped in fear, for his men nor the scientist could come up with any solid reason.

"No your highness, we have no clue." The prince gave him an annoyed and dull look. He got up from his throne and looked at the data up close.

"Oh, I think you've found her!" Said the Prince with a smile. The Admiral gave the prince a puzzled looked. "I knew she'd show up some time or another, for it's almost her seventeenth birthday. Please burn all data you have collected on this matter." The Admiral looked at the Prince with shock.

"B-But sir, these were extremely difficult to get. We had to have our best men to- "

"I said burn them all, I already know where her exact location is. And I already have all the data you just presented to me stored in my mind. It's all useless to me now. I also don't want this information to be leaked in anyway. So please do as I say and burn them all." The Prince said in a cool voice, while walking back to his throne.

"A-Are you sure your-" The Admiral started, but when the prince turned around and stared down at the Admiral. He stopped, the prince's eyes were glowing red.

"Yes... I am positively sure. Now get out of my sight!" The Prince roared in rage. The admiral looked at those eyes and quickly walked away. For not only was his eyes glowing the color of red blood, but his voice sounded as if two beings were speaking. In a dark and mutated sound, he could almost feel the air dripping with chaos energy. He was stunned if not shocked, for the rumors he heard about the prince were true.

He really did have a demon locked inside of him... 

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