Chapter 6: The Bloodstained Rose

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The Fallen angel examines your mouth, where you had gotten hit. He starts caressing it gently, and tries to comfort your scared form. "Sorry my Moon you will have to excuse me for a moment while I take care of this pest." he says narrowing his eyes at the gangster. His wings extend out, and were outstretched making him look very intimidating; and dangerous. He takes of his cloak, and puts it over you to shield you from the rain. He uses his dark magic to make a dark blade, which is one of the weapons that fallen angels use; light angels use swords. He slowly walks towards the gangster who was on the ground, with a horrified look on his face; as if he could see death walking towards him. It looked as if the gangster was in a mental shock by looking at the angel's wings. The fallen angel slowly walks toward the man grinning, scraping his blade against the brick wall in the process. "Please spare me!" he pleads. "I'll never harass another girl in my life!" The man pleads on his knees, putting his hands together.

The angel was now right in front of the man, his eyes glowing a menacing green color; he kneels down and gives a deadly glare, then whispers. "You did one big mistake in your life you scum. You didn't just harass any girl... You harassed my GIRL!" and with that he sliced through the man's neck. You watched in horror as the man dropped dead to the ground, his lifeless brown orbs staring at you. His mouth and facial expression frozen in fear. The mysterious man whispers, "And that's for calling her a b1tch." he smirks, "and all of the other horrible things you did to her."

You gasp at the sight of all the blood pouring out of his neck, and his lifeless form. You realize something, hadn't the man with the blonde hair call you a b1tch WAY before the mysterious man had showed up. That would mean that, he was watching you from before he had come to rescue you. As in he saw you get harassed from the beginning, and he did nothing. You muster up enough courage, after everything you've been through, and witnessed. You ask with a croaked voice, "How long have you been watching me?" He turns around to look at you, playing with the blade in his hand; then making it disappear into black dust.

He looks back onto the dead man's body and grins, "Ever since I laid my eyes on you." You got confused with this statement, you've just met him right now. Unless he was talking about when you encountered him at the airport, was he really following you the whole time? That seemed a bit too much, unrealistic to be honest."Wait! That means you've been spying on me since the airport!?!" you say with anger in you voice.

He looks up at you and smirks, "I said I've been watching you ever since I laid eyes on you." You were about to ask more questions, when he quickly came by your side in mere seconds. He was so fast, that all you saw was a blur; then you saw him right beside you. He put a finger to your mouth and whispered, "Shh, let's save those questions for another time my love. For now let's take a look at what those horrible things did to you." He took off his cloak that you had over yourself, and creates a magical barrier which served as an umbrella. He was concentrating on your mouth and neck, where you got the most impact. But when he saw the blood dripping from your arm, from when you were scraped against the brick wall. He muttered curse words and grabbed your arm, examining the wound.

He sighs, and looks up at you apologetically, "I'm sorry my rose, I should have interfered sooner." he says staring at you with worried eyes. "Just look at what they did to my precious angel." He picks up your scratched hand and then leans into you and licks your arms. You jump up in surprise, "Gaah, w-what are you doing?"

"Just cleaning up the mess that you did to yourself." he says smirking.

"How can you do that? You're a dark angel, all you can do is HARM me." You say in an angry yet shaky voice. He stares at you with a raised eyebrow, it was one of those "seriously?" looks. You realize that this guy put himself in harm's way; just for you, and in return you were acting like an ungrateful jerk. "I'm sorry," you apologize, "I shouldn't have said that." You look at his right hand, which was dripping in dark red crimson blood. You pull his hand towards you, and put it on your lap. You take off the white scarf that you were wearing, and wrap it around his hand. It was raining hard, and the sky was pitch black. The only light that you were getting, were from the old lanterns; that hung on the walls, which illuminated the streets

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