Chapter 30: Lost Again

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Profanity aka curse words are present:

You watched as Jaron's body fell to the ground, a blade right smack in his heart. He began coughing blood, he slowly turned his body towards you and dug his emerald green eyes into your ruby red. You screamed, and ran with every last ounce of energy towards him. You quickly pulled him onto your lap, and began crying while caressing his cheeks.

"I'm so s-sorry", he coughed out, blood splattering everywhere, "I was a bit late." You shook your head and watched as warm tears from your wet sockets fell onto his soft face.

"Jaron why, why did you do that? Please don't die on me. I love you," you cried out. You heard footsteps running towards you. You looked up to see Hydron fighting Tybalt, and your aunt and Rachel running towards you. Upon sight of the sack nearby, your aunt and Rachel fled to go take your mother out of it.

You pulled Jaron into an embrace, and cried. You couldn't watch the love of your life just die, you now knew more than ever; that the one you loved the most. Was Jaron

And he was the one dying, right in your arms. Due to your grief the weather took a sharp turn, as thunder and lightning filled the sky. The more you cried, the more the sky roared in your gloom. Jaron began to notice your discomfort and smiled.

"Listen, I don't know how much longer I have. But I need you to know, that you were the purpose and source of my life," his voice began to hitch, but it never lost it's touch of dominance. "I love you (y/n) Aurora de Saturnia, your one heck of a beautiful girl and I love you."

You cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss, it tasted bloody but you didn't care at all; all you wanted was for him to stay with you. Forever, and it seemed like he was slipping away from you by every passing second. "I love you too."

Jaron pulled away and began coughing violently, he handed you a black locket.

"This isn't any ordinary locket, keep it with you; and I will always be with you. Don't you ever forget, and we'll meet again. That's my word." you watched as he said his last prayers, and began to close his eyes. "I l-love you (y/n)."

Your body couldn't comprehend what was happening before your very own eyes, you began shaking him violently and started screaming at him to wake up.

But he was still, and so was his heart.

"No this can't be happening, no no no, he's playing possum. He'll spring up any minute and say something stupid about how scared I look," you watched the still man, hair dripping due to the rain. And your clothes soaking in his blood. His beautiful black blood.

You had lost Jaron, once again.


"Tybalt you fuckin bastard, you. Will. DIE!" You yelled, Hydron and Tybalt froze. As they watched you send a series of burst towards Tybalt. He wasn't at all ready for the attack, and froze once he saw a white pegasus come out from your form. Your guardian creature.

You mercilessly beat the shit out of him, by throwing spells, energy balls, feathers and every single ounce of anger you had. But it seemed you had become a fiery pit of rage, that would never be satisfied.

You'd only be able to be satisfied until Jaron came back to life

Tybalt was on the ground, bloody and beaten up. You took the same black blade that was stabbed into Jaron, and trailed your way to Tybalt. Just like Jaron had that night when you were attacked by those gangsters, you like him, scraped your knife onto the fence as you walked towards him. Ready to deliver his death.

You brought your knife up, but something flickered in your mind.


"Jaron, what would you do if someone tried to kill me?" Aurora chuckled as she sipped on her tea.

She turned around to see Apollyon frozen, with a grim expression.

"Well I suppose I'd have to dispose of that runt the most painful way humanly possible," He stated, you raised an eyebrow and smiled. You leaned into him and squeezed his right cheek.

"Your so cute when you're being protective." You smiled. "But I suppose I'd do the same to if someone killed you."

"No" Jaron frowned, "I'd never want those fair hands of yours, to be stained red."

"Not even for me, promise me you'll keep your hands clean." he whispered while leaning into you and ruffling your hair, you gave him a quizzical look and laughed.

"Yes my Prince charming"

"I love you, my beautiful unearthly rose"


"I... I can't kill him."


A/N: His death was inevitable, I tried to go around it; but it was like the story couldn't go on until he died. I'm so sorry guys, i tried to do an alternative ;-; I'm so sad though. 

oh yeah, just to clear things up

and that fuckin Tybalt is still alive :')

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