Chapter 14: A Small Smile

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   "Forget it", you placed your hand on your sides in disappointment. "You said you would give me whatever I wanted, and your backing away on a simple request to let me talk to my fiancee?" You egg on, pushing your luck and seeing if you could convince the beast to do as you say.

"I don't want to hear another word on you being his fiancee. You should know by now that he is nothing to you, your world now revolves around me, and only me." He hisses in a intimidating voice. The aura he gave off in the room was pure fear, you had backed up onto a wall. He pulled your hair backwards, causing you to yelp out in pain. "And you better understand that, do I make myself clear?" He gritted through his teeth. You kicked his foot, and slid under his trap. "So you're going to deny me of my request, well it was to be expected. I'm not surprised." You walk towards the vanity, you needed to contact Hydron in some form. Maybe using reverse Psychology on Jaron would work. He seemed to have a lot of pride and stubbornness, which will make it easier for you to manipulate him. That is if you didn't get manipulated first.

"If you want, I could contact him. It's not like I'm scared that he'll take you away from me or anything." You turn around, and gasp with glee. "You mean I'll get to see him!?" Seeing your face with such glee at the mention of another man brought great despair to Jaron. The sparkle in your eyes, the smile of pure happiness. It really did hurt him internally, an expression of pain resided on his upset features. If only the young princess knew why he was doing this, why he was keeping her away from the world. He did admit that indeed a very large portion of it was for his own selfish desire and want. But he felt as if you would want him to do it.

If only she had her previous memories, then she'd beg to stay with him.

"No, if I see him. I'll kill him on the spot, so it's your choice my Rose to pick what you want for your-" He cringes as he says the word, for it gives an unworthy man such a high title, "-lover... to go through death, just for your own selfish needs." She falls silent, her once bright look, now a shade of gloom, and lost hope. Oh how he wish his name could summon such a look, what did she need after all? He had it all didn't he? Looks, power, status, magic, love, tolerance, but why wouldn't she accept him? It must have been because that imbecile found her first, he hoped that the outcome of this love story, wouldn't be like the one that happened last time...

He decided to break the news to her, she was already in a depressed mood; better to tell her now than later. "We're having a party tonight, I expect Dana to get you ready." He announces as he combs through his hair. She looks at him with a quizzical look. "Party? For what." He turns around and faces her with a smile, he pulls a wandering strand of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. "We're getting engaged tonight." He did it, he pushed all her buttons; and he was prepared for this. No matter how bad he felt for her, he had to do this; she'll come to realize in later days and will thank him instead. "Cheer up a bit, you're getting engaged to one of the most desired men in the galaxy."

"Hydron's also a very desired man, and he's also my fiance." He slammed his hand against the dresser, the girl shook at the outburst of anger he produced. He breathed heavily, and looked at her once more. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to eradicate any memories of the blonde from your mind. You are now mine, and I will not accept your mind being filled of anything else besides me." He straightens his clothing, and walks towards the door to leave. "I would have had your memories erased, but-" He held out the door before exiting."

"I don't want to be the bad guy."


You ran towards the huge King sized mattress, and lunge towards it with all your sorrow. You scream into the pillows to the point in where your vocal cords started to posses that light burning sensation. How could he do this to you? Why couldn't he just pick any of the many other girls who would kill to get him? Is it because of your powers? No he already had plenty of his own. Was it because he had some old rivalry with Hydron? And was taking it out on you? Whatever it was, you were suffering, and your heart was being teared into pieces as each day passed. You didn't know how long you could endure this mental torture for, or for how long you could stay without Hydron by your side to make you feel safe. You longed for that feeling, and you needed to find a way back somehow!

You turned onto your back, and looked up at the royal red coated ceiling. It seemed so distant, yet so close; just like how you were with Hydron, so close yet so far. You ached for his presence, for you were in love with him. His sweet and charming demeanor, which blended in well with his bad boy personality. He was your Romeo, and your Juliet. But doesn't ever love story have some sort of conflict, the world just couldn't watch two people be together. What Jaron didn't know is that the more further you were away from Hydron, the more you loved and missed him. But you wouldn't tell Jaron ofcourse, he had threatened you earlier that he would erase your precious memories with the man you loved. You needed to stay patient.

Something you were terrible at doing.

You got up from your laying position, and strolled over to the wardrobe. You opened it and looked over the many designer dresses provided, skimming your fingertips over the velvet material. You smiled, for you knew that the amount you ached for Hydron, would be multiplied by ten for him. After all, his craziness and amount of fondness for you, was the reason why you fell helplessly in love with him.

He was just so adorable


Dana and Ema's jaws were dropped, they watched as you twirled around in your sparkling navy blue dress. "I really don't look as good as your reactions are portraying guys. Cut it out will ya?" Dana whispered in awe, "Your hair is so.. it's just so beautiful." Ema threw her hands up in the air, "How are we supposed to compete with sleeping beauty? Great, now I'm jealous of you." You and Dana both giggle at Ema's outburst, she rolled her eyes and smiled. "I bet it's just the dress anyway." You laughed, the more you got to experience Ema's personality, the more you got to like her. She might appear to be selfish and cold, but her intentions and actions show that she's warm and kind hearted internally.

Jaron had given you some sort of black ring, and it allowed you to wear your unnatural alien look. Your beautiful curly pink hair tumbled down your sides. Jaron had asked you to wear an expensive diamond set, it must have cost a fortune; and you weren't impressed at the least. Your vibrant electric blue eyes gave off an intimidating look, but your angel like hair gave you a sweet innocent look. A look an angel has, an unearthly look.

"I'm scared for master, what if he faints when he see's you?" Dana teased, Ema lightly pushed her, "forget about that, I heard that it's a masked ball! I can't wait for it!!" Ema squealed in delight, you grinned in surprise. You sincerely would have never predicted that Ema could be so different from the time you first met her, must've been a bad first impression or something. "Well you look like a doll (y/n), just sit down here while we get ready too. Why don't you go look through that chest to go find a mask, we'll be ready in a few minutes." The two girls went through the wardrobe to find an outfit for the night. You opened the wooden chest, it was trimmed with gold and had an intricate design of roses flourishing the wooden object. It was magnificent, you opened the box to reveal many different types of masks.

A green and blue feathered mask caught your interest, and you immediately tugged it out from the crowd. It was a peacock themed mask. It had beautiful feathers that decorated the side, it only covered down to your eyes and the tip of your nose. It matched flawlessly with your navy blue ball gown, and complimented your diamond jewelry. You placed it on your face, and smiled. For your plan was sure to work.

Now all you had to do was wait.

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