Chapter 12: New Arrival

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Legend of Aurora: Refer to chapter (chapter 8) re-read the beginning portion for a better understanding of this chapter.


tick-tock-tick-tock You wake up to the rhythm of the grandfather clock, you seemed to be in a well decorated room. There were velvet curtains, and silk bed sheets; certainly not your average room. The walls had golden wall paper, and the door was decorated with various gems. You looked around, and saw that this wasn't any ordinary room; it belonged to someone who obtained much wealth. You looked down to your attire, to which you noticed had remained the same; much to your relief. Your head had a pounding, and you felt nauseous; you didn't know exactly why, but you felt terrible and sick. You stood up from your seat, and walked towards the door; you turned the doorknob, and opened the door.

You walked out the room, and into the lengthy hallways. Beautiful paintings and marble statues decorated the corridors. You walked around, while examining the different types of artwork. You were then met by a hurried maid, whom you stopped to ask questions. But she seemed to not care for your request, she rolled her eyes, "I can't believe master decided to get another peasant. You'd think that four would already be enough?" You gaped at what she uttered. She took your frail hand, and pulled you in a certain direction. She had bright blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes; she was gorgeous, and she knew it. You walked past a mirror, and saw your own reflection; you were amazed, for your hair and eyes took back it's human characteristics.

She led you into what appeared to be the kitchen, she handed you an apron; and a broom. You looked at her quizzingly as to what you were supposed to do with the object, she sighed irritated, "Sorry Princess, but each one of us are also Princess's; you'll have to get used to walking out of your comfort zone. Also, don't expect any sort of special treatment, you'll be greatly disappointed if you do." She snapped, you kept shut, for this girl seemed to be the clawing type. You obediently took the broom, and began completing your instructions from the girl. "Wait, I think it'd be best to meet the other girls. Honestly, you're too naive, if I were you, I'd demand answers instead of moping the floor." she remarked. She took your hand once more, and led you towards what looked like the entrance towards the inner kitchen; in which there were more people, and stoves along with ovens and such.

She ordered you to stand in a certain position, she left and returned with three other girls. They all were quite good looking, they stood out from the other workers; only difference is that they all wore maid outfits. The girl who had led you introduced the group, "Okay guys, this is probably one of the Prince's new princess maid. Hi, my name is Reina." She gave you a small smile. The other girl also had blonde hair, but it seemed to be almost white; her gray eyes complimented her look greatly. She scowled at you, "whatever, my name is Ema." The third girl had bright orange hair, "Uh, my name is Ginger." The fourth girl had dark brown hair, almost black. She had hazel eyes, and looked to be very soft spoken. She gave you a genuine smile, "Hi, my name is Dana."

You gave a shy smile, "Hello, my name is (y/n)." Ema rolled her eyes, "Just to make misconceptions cleared out. We get that you're a princess, and that you aren't used to doing chores and such. But we were also once princess's, that was until our planets and realms were taken over. You should be grateful that master took you in, but that doesn't mean you're any more special than us." You listened to Ema scoff at you. Ginger rolled her eyes ," Also, master doesn't take any personal interest in any of us. So don't think that he might like you, because honestly speaking; he's obsessed with that stupid dead Queen." Reina quickly hushed Ginger , "Don't say that stupid! If he hears you, he'll have your neck like he did with Bella." After a while, the other girls left.

Leaving you alone, except for the exception of Dana. Who had stayed behind, she walked over to you. "Maybe I should explain things further, you still seem frightened and confused." You nodded your head, she sat you down on a stool; and cleared her throat. "As you know, you're being held here because your planet was destroyed by some enemy country. Master probably rescued you, and brought you here. At first we were all angry, then concluded that Master had done us all a huge favor. For if we stayed back at home, they would have surely killed us." She walked back and forth, waving her hands as she explained the situation to you. But there was something wrongs.

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