Chapter 22: A Pleasant Surprise

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You stared wide eyed at them, your wings had somehow opened by the time you saw your reflection in the fog cleared mirror; your normal (h/c) hair was now a pearl white, and your eyes took on a blood red color. Your mouth felt rather uncomfortable, and on close inspection; you saw that you had fangs in your mouth. Your left wing was as black as tar, and your skin was rather pale.

And so you panicked and called for Jaron to give you an explanation right away

You realized how the more you got used to Jaron's company, the more you began to rely on him and his comfort; you shook your head at the thought of Jaron bringing you comfort. Afterall, all he did was bring discomfort to you, you reasoned with yourself.

"Oh my god, sweetie, I'm already trying to hold myself back from you; and then you turn into a super gorgeous vampire teen, like seriously?" You jolt your head towards the sadistic voice of the Fallen Angel. He flashes you a devilish smirk, while narrowing his eyes at you, "You really are testing my limits you know."

"H-How in the world! Did this happen! Jaron what the heck is going on?!" You asked in a stuttered panicked voice, you looked like a mix of light and dark; you just stood there, looking at the mirror with a baffled expression. Jaron shrugged, "I don't know what happened, but I like it."

Your jaw dropped, and the fact that he was flirting with you at a time like this, greatly annoyed you, "What do you mean you don't know? I've never seen myself like this in my entire life!" You shrieked as you saw that your eyes had become snake like, you couldn't even speak clearly due to the inconvenient placement of the fangs all of a sudden in your mouth; you had to pay extra attention as to not tear any jaw tissue.

"I don't know, means I don't know, I'm not a genie you know," Jaron grinned, seconds later you saw his smile falter; and a look of pain crossed over his facial expression, "what the fu-"

Next thing you know, he was lying on his bed; grasping his head in pain, "Oh shit, Delayne! Go get the castle wizard this instant, or use a summoning spell." You saw the red head maid quickly nod her head, and scamper towards the supposed wizard. You never before seeing Jaron in this state, slowly walked towards him and asked whether or not he was okay.

"Do I look like I'm okay Princess?" He asked in a rather agitated voice. You flinched as you heard his demonic voice scold you, he began groaning out in pain; seeing this alarmed you greatly. You heard him yell and scream in pain, "Wizard Gerold get here faster damn it!"

"I'm greatly sorry my lord, I came as quick as magic would allow me to," you turned around and saw an old man in a wizard's attire walk in, he quickly floated over towards Jaron eye's and inspected him. His eyes widened, "Your highness... you have a possession spell on you." He whispered in a shocked voice, "I can't believe it, I've never heard of anyone doing a possession spell in hundreds of years. The Angels who were capable of such power died without any offsprings, the last recorded angel who was able to use this spell, as well as invent it. Was a king who went by the name of -

Tybalt Crozenia"

"You're quite stupid Garold, it was a just a mere migraine. I'm quite surprised you couldn't figure that part out, I wanted to see how reliable my wizard was-" Jaron's voice cut's off the wizards shocked words, "I'm going to have to find a more reliable wizard, if my mistress here is ever in trouble and needs someone to help her; she's gonna need someone who can at least figure out a small migraine attack." He sat up from his bed, rubbing his temples; and facing his head towards the ground as he was talking. You could almost read off the expression of pain plastered on his face, would he put a migraine spell on himself, just to see if his wizard was reliable for you?

The wizard's face was one to look out, bright as a tomato; and mixed with shock and confusion. "But I thought I read the charm off correctl-"

"Well you did some mistake, please pack your bags and leave; I'll find a replacement soon enough,"

"But your majest-"

"GO! I said"

At the sudden outburst of the young prince, the wizard ran out of the room; an aura of anger reflecting off of him. He shut the door as he exited, and you looked down at Jaron with disapprovement. You had genuine fear for his well being, and it had just been a hoax? "Jaron, what was that for? You got us all worried!" You scolded him, seeing that he wasn't reply; or as much as look up at you, you continued scolding him, "Next time you do that, we'll all just think that you're playing the boy who cried wolf! And if a real emergency happens, how will be able to- "

"Why didn't you run when you had the chance?" He asked in a melancholy voice, you were a bit taken back with his question. Getting angrier by the second, you walked up to him and decided that you would tell him off. You pointed your pointer finger at him, getting ready to yell at him once more for asking a ridiculous question like that. But Jaron cut you off, he wrapped his left hand around your waist; and pulled you down beside him, so now you were lying down next to him while he was sitting up and staring down at you.

"I thought you loved me, so why didn't you even attempt to run away; when you had an open chance like that!" You looked up at him with shock and fear, you couldn't comprehend what he was talking about, "I don't understand what your sayin-"

"I asked a simple question, why didn't you run away?" He spat at you with anger, he put his hands on either sides of you; and stared down into your eyes with anger and frustration. You gasped, and stared right back into his

Ocean blue eyes

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