Chapter 3: A Royal Introduction

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You were looking straight at Mr. Creepy, who in return was giving you a grin. You looked into his eyes, they were so dark blue; you felt as if though you would get lost in them. He raised an eyebrow at you and smirked, you looked away in annoyance. You could almost hear him saying, "like what you see?"

"Hey Y/N! You finally woke up! This is Hydron he's also on his way to France," Rachel introduced, you tilted your head to the right and looked at him; Hydron tilted his head to the left and smiled at you; then you straightened yourself.

"Umm hi, my name is y/n ," you introduced yourself. You look at Hydron who's staring at you and rolling a coin over his knuckles. You can tell that it was a habit of his, due to the skillfulness and how carelessly he was rolling them; and not once dropping it. "Hi there y/n, my name is Hydron. It's a pleasure to meet you."

You had gained a slight headache due to your dream, and weren't really in the mood to talk. You turned around and looked out the window to your seat. The plane's wing was near to where you were sitting, so you could see the huge blade cutting through the sky. The sky was dark, and you looked down onto the earth and viewed the beauty of the world. You wished that you could have wings, and fly through the sky. It looked so beautiful and magical.

You were pretty confused at Rachel's change of mood all of a sudden, at first she was saying to stay away from Hydron. But now she herself was talking with him and laughing at his quirky jokes. At some point in their conversation, Hydron got up to go get some soda from the kitchen. You turned around to start inquiring your friend, and get some answers to your questions.

"What's going on Rachel?" you ask in a questionable tone.

"What do you mean?" she replies looking innocent. You knew your friend too well, something was up; and you wanted to know now.

"Didn't you hate this guy? Why'd you change your impression on him all of a sudden? you ask. You see Rachel twirling her hair, and smiling to herself. She's looking at her nails, and humming. As if your words are going in one ear, and going out the other. "A-Are you in love?" This get's her attention. She looks up at you and giggles.

"What! I mean, well not at first anyway, I mean just look at that guy, he's totally my type." She says sighing to herself. You shake your head and smile, Rachel was the biggest flirt you knew around town. She's always falling in love with strangers, and you couldn't help but start laughing.

"Rachel you're crazy you know that! You're just crazy!" You laugh not knowing what to make out of all of this.

"I'm crazy in love!" she teases, she tells the you about what she and Hydron were talking about. You listen to her with an amused look on your face. "Hey (y/n) I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom." Then she get's up and leave.

You roll your eyes and start wondering how you became friends with this girl in the first place. Your personality was the opposite of Rachel's. While she speaks her mind out to anyone, and doesn't hold back anything. You're different, your personality is quiet and shy and you don't attract a lot of attention to yourself. You weren't the type to show off. You were thinking about your childhood, and how you and Rachel grew up.

"Hey sleeping beauty! Want some soda?" You snap out of your thoughts, and see him slide down to the seat that Rachel was recently occupying. Hydron was smiling at you, and holding out his hand with a can of soda.

"Thank you so much, but you really didn't need to go through the trouble" You thank while taking the can from his hand.

"Nonsense I had to, especially since you kept on dozing off like that. A little caffeine never hurt anyone," He says grinning at you. "Besides I want to get to know you a bit more. You seem like a pretty interesting person."

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