Chapter 11: You Can Run But You Can't Hide

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Your hands were trembling as you held the note in your hands. A thousand questions streaming through your blank mind, a war was taking place inside your mind. How? When? Who? and most importantly, why? You couldn't possibly understand why he kept on harassing you, and what did he mean by "So I'm coming to get you!" Your hands were shaking. Hydron looked at you with confusion, he grabbed the piece of paper out of your hands; and quickly skimmed over the contents, you watched as his facial expression flared by every word.

"Son of a bitch" He crumpled up the piece of paper, and incinerated it with helio energy. His hands were clenched up in tight fists, making his knuckles turn white. "I was afraid that this would happen." He gritted. You immediately turn your head to face him, could Hydron possibly know something about this man? And if so, why didn't he say anything? Did he want to hide this from you? You felt a mixed emotion of frustration, nervousness, anger, fear, they were all whelmed up; making you feel sick to your stomach.

"Did you know something about this?" You question him, you held his sleeve in a tight fist. He slowly turned towards you, he gave you an expression that you instantly read, he was hiding something from you. His hair was curly around the edges, and his blue eyes read guilt all over them.

"It's him, that rat. He's been searching for you ever since we found out that you're alive on earth." He put his hand over his temple in frustration, he groaned. "It's King Jaron, he's after you. He's known for getting whatever he wants." He notices you quietly sobbing, while looking down towards the ground. He puts his hands on your shoulders, and leans in while putting his forehead against yours. "Don't worry, I'll protect you; he'll never take you away from me. I'm also known for being a stubborn royal brat." He brings you into an embrace, and smooths your hair while you pour down your sadness. "Shh, it's going to be alright. I'll just have to watch you more carefully from now on." He whispers.

"But why did you keep this secret from me? Why didn't you just tell me?!" You demand, He looked down at you with a soft expression. "It's because I never knew before that you were the princess," He lifts your left hand, and kisses the knuckle with your ring on it. He puts his forehead against yours once again, his golden blonde hair against your soft pink unearthly hair. You feel his minty breath against your face, his dark blue eyes digging deep in your (e/c) ones; you slightly blush. "You're my Queen, and only mine. I won't ever let him or anyone else lay a finger on you, I promise you this." You closed your eyes, and for some reason... you felt completely safe and sound.


You were crying, you walked backwards; and eventually hit your head against the wall behind you. You slid down towards the ground, you crouched; and pulled on your hair, "Stop this, stop this, stop this, please leave me alone." You were crying, and sobbing loudly. You heard the thunder roar outside. You felt someone break through your bedroom door, it was Rachel. She ran towards you, and pulled you into an embrace. "(y/n)! What happened, tell me everything!" She started wiping your tears. You lifted your finger, and pointed at your wall. Rachel turned her head, a gasp escaped her mouth.

There were multiple pictures of Hydron and you; both of you in the same picture. But there was a problem, all of Hydron's faces were smeared with big red X's; and your face had a heart drawn around it. This was the third time in two weeks, and each time it would get scarier, and scarier. Not to mention the nightmares you would get every other day, you would wake up screaming and breathing heavily. Your aunt came back early due to your behaviour and situation. Hydron insisted that you live with him, but your aunt wouldn't allow that. Rachel stood up and called your aunt, she exited your room; and you heard her run down the stairs. You put your hands on the ground, you felt a sharp prick on your hand; you immediately recoil your hand away, and saw the drops of blood on your hand. You glanced over towards your left, to see what object had cut you; it was a rose... and unearthly rose.

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