Chapter 1: It's those eyes

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You wake up to the beautiful noise of... yelling?

"Wake up y/n! You're gonna miss your plane if you don't shake a leg!" As your mind is trying to process your surroundings, realization hits you as you shot up from your warm slumber.

"Oh crap! It's already 12:30 pm! I'm gonna miss my plane!" You leaped out of your bed and dashed for the bathroom. You take a quick 10 minute bath, just to let the water run down you and wake you up a bit. Once you finish, you proceed to drying yourself and your hair. Your h/c hair was dripping with cold fresh droplets of water, you decide on straightening your hair for the day. You take out your hair straightener from the vanity and plug it in, seconds later; you feel warm heat radiating off of it, indicating that it was now ready to be used. After you finished with your hair, you went to go pick out your outfit. You decided to wear something simple and comfortable since you were going to be flying. When you were finally finished, you grabbed your pre-packed luggage, which was filled of clothes, shoes, makeup, and other stuff; and headed out of your room.

You rushed down the stairs of your house, wheeling your bag along with you. At the sound of thump thump thumpcoming from your bag, due to you dragging it down the stairs, instead of lifting it. You heard your mother yell about the consequences of being late, and how her expensive hard wood would wear holes because of it.

" Y/N stop being so late for everything, you have to learn how to manage your time more efficiently! You're almost 17 years old now, and in a year's time you will be heading off to college." You rolled your eyes at your mother's "life lesson" lectures, you were probably hearing this same lecture for the 10th time this week.

"Yeah sure mom, but I'm really running late now." you said in a pleading tone, "I'll be sure to call you once I get to aunt Jane's house." You were leaving the house, but felt a tug on your shirt. You turned around to look at your mom.

"Go grab a piece of toast first, I don't want you flying on an empty stomach." You were about to protest, but then you saw your mom tilt her head and fold her arms ;she began tapping on the floor with her right foot. You knew there was no way out of this, to avoid arguments; you rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast and quickly munched at it. You went back to the main door to leave, but then your mom stopped you again.

In frustration you whined "Moooommm! What is it now?!" you raised an eyebrow, and looked at her. You saw that her normal ocean blue was missing, but was replaced with an intensified electric blue. Her tattoo around her neck was also glowing the same fierce blue as her eyes were. "Mom... your eyes are glowing again."

She blinked twice, and her eyes were back to the same ocean blue that you were so accustomed to. She took out an elegant yet simple amulet, it held a white gem at the center of it.

"Here take this, and remember what I've always told you. Don't talk to -"

"....Strangers, or go to places I shouldn't go; and never ever eat anything that was given by someone that I don't know." you finished up her sentence, "Mom, I'm almost 17. I'm not a little girl anymore, I know what I'm doing." Your mom hugged you.

"But remember dear, you'll always be my little girl." You said your goodbyes, and hollered a good bye to the rest of your family members, and to your surprise you heard a goodbye from everyone else. You stepped out the door and breathed in the fresh air, you went to your driveway and saw that an airport cab was already there waiting for you. You could see your friend Rachel waiting impatiently and carrying an expression of restlessness on her face. When she saw you she quickly jumped up and down in excitement and started chatting.

"Hey there! What took you so long? I've been waiting like forever out here! Come on, hurry up! We have to get moving! I can't believe that we'll be going to Paris! The city of lights and the city of love! It's gonna be such a magical trip, I just know it!" Hearing your friend yap about her excitement to go to Paris made you smile. As the taxi driver put your luggage in the trunk, Rachel grabbed your arm and pulled you into the cab.

Rachel was a lively girl who had no fear of the world whatsoever, she would always speak her mind; and stand up for anyone in any situation. She had fiery red hair, during the sunset her hair would turn to a soft pink shade. But during the night and day, she looked like she was on fire. In contrast to her red fiery hair, her green eyes were a very soft shade that gave her a very stunning appearance. You and Rachel were always friends since the start. Once, when you were getting bullied when you were little in 6th grade , she was the only one who stood up for you. You've been best friends ever since, and now since you were both responsible 16 year old girls, your parents had trusted you to go to Paris with each other. You put your arm against the armrest, and watched Rachel launch into a conversation with the Driver.

About 20 minutes had passed by and you finally reached the airport, you got out of the taxi and waited for the driver to unload your luggage.

"Thank you Sir for driving us here, we really appreciate it!" Beamed Rachel at the man. He smiled and said that he was very happy to have had such great company. As Rachel was finishing up her good byes with the driver, you noticed a man standing against the building staring intensely at Rachel and you. But rather than staring at both you and Rachel he was staring more at you... or so it seemed to you. He looked about to be at the age of 18, his strong features indicated that he was young but not too young. He had golden blonde hair, that was shaggy and curled at the edges, and a pair of deep blue eyes. You squinted your eyes a little to see him better, that's when it hit you how handsome he was. You were staring at him, when your eyes met his, he smirked at you. This caught you off guard and made you look away, you felt a slight blush creep it's way up your face. But something about that man puzzled you, was it the way he was staring at you, or was it the weird vibe that came off of him. You were afraid if he was some kind of stalker, your mother always had warned you about strangers, and people of the sort.

You looked back up to get a better look at him, he was still there, standing and staring at you. He tilted his head as he stared at you, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and a pair of khakis. He looked like any ordinary teen would, but something about him kept you in unease. You didn't know what it was... but there was definitely something fishy about this man.

"Come on y/n! Let's go!" You were awaken from your thoughts due to Rachel's sudden comment. Your eyes shut for a second, and you opened them again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin." You said as you looked up to the position where the boy was. But when you looked at that spot against the building... there was no one. "Hurry up then! Let's go get checked in!" Rachel said giving you your bag.

You started walking toward the doors of the airport, and saw the doors slide open for you and Rachel. As you thought about the guy that had been disappeared, you felt chills run up and down your spine. Your mind kept on trying to grasp what was so peculiar about him, it's not the fact that he was stunning to look at; it was something much more. What bothered you the most though, was his deep blue eyes. They were so dark and mysterious looking, almost as if they didn't belong in this world. They gave you a supernatural feel, as if they didn't belong in this world. As you and Rachel were heading towards the check-in desk, you felt as if someone was staring intensely at you. And usually... your instincts were always right....

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