Chapter 25: A Tug of War on My Heart

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Before you read: remember, your mother was killed during the war when you were little, you were then brought to earth and lived with your mother's sister (aunt). You grew up with her, and called her mom. You also have another aunt, aunt Jane from France. Just keep that in mind :')


I can't believe Hydron's been the murderer all along, and he was the one who had killed my beloved Apollyon. He's planning on doing it again, I will not let that happen at any cost! You thought to yourself as you walked back to your room. You had made sure that you and Hydron both slept in different rooms; and that you'd have as much as distance as you could from the blood thirsty monster.

You needed a plan. A plan that would somehow allow you to contact Jaron, and somehow get enough proof to give to your family that Hydron was a murdering psychopath. It was around noon, and your aunt had requested you to come and meet her for tea; to which you immediately accepted. You walked towards the dining room, where you saw your aunt waiting for you. She looked a bit restless and worried, this concerned you.

You gently sat down on the chair to her right, and gave her your utmost attention, "Hey mom, so what's up?" You asked with a nonchalant tone, she rubbed her fingers against her temples and sighed. "Sweetie, I need to tell you something." you looked at her with a confused expression, "Your mother... she's alive."

"W-What?", you asked with a shocked filled voice, your lips were trembling and you didn't know what to make out of it all. "I thought you said she died though? How is- I don't understand." you whispered wilts shaking your head. Your aunt looked at you sympathetically, her face was a mix of emotions; even a bit of guilt was present,"We lied to you, your mother never died. She survived."

She glanced back up to you, tears in her eyes, "Honey, I'm so sorry we hid this from you the whole time, believe me she didn't want to stay away from you; but you were kept in hiding and-"

"Can I please meet her? Please?" You asked, hot drops of tears slid down your face, you were so happy. After all those years, you'd finally be able to meet your mother again; it was a dream come true. After her being brutally torn away from your life, you were finally going to see her again. Aunt Jane came inside the room, she sat down next to you and started smoothing your hair, "Of course, in fact, you've met her a couple of times before already."

You turned your attention to your aunt Jane, she was giving you a genuine smile, "I have?" Your foster mother sighed, she then smiled at her sister and then you. "Didn't you mother ever tell you, that she only had one sister?" She asked smirking.

Your jaw dropped, you whipped your head around and stared at your aunt Jane. She looked down at her feet, face red. You always wondered why your aunt Jane never had any children, or the fact that she was still unmarried. "Are you guys dead serious?" you asked, eyebrow raised at the situation. Your aunt Jane, or should you say mother; nodded her head.

You immediately hugged her, "Oh mother how I've missed you". You were crying out tears of joy and sorrow, you had truly missed her and now, knowing she's by you; you felt as if someone put life back into your soul.


"I noticed a change in you, your eyes are now constantly blue; and that can only mean one thing," your mother stated, you shrugged, it's not like you could control them. "You've grown heavily dependent on your magic, sweetie do you have any idea how bad that is? Black wings can easily track you down if they see your eyes like that. The purpose of not using your magic, is so that your physical traits will lose it's magic touch. I mean, look at your hair." she explained while lifting your hair up and letting it go. "You're an easy target!"

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