Chapter 13: A Bird Without Wings

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  "I don't understand, what's the meaning of this? Why are you trying to ruin my life?" You questioned with tears in your eyes. After your kitchen introduction, Jaron had led you to his room; in where you two were now commercing quietly. You heard a faint click, signalling the doors were now locked. "Why did you just-"

"Relax, I may be evil and all. But I'm not that low." He ran a hand through his now raven black hair, he looked you up and down with his emerald orbs. He walked towards you and lifted you up, and placed you on his bed. You gasped, he then kneeled on to the floor; resting his chin on your lap. "I kidnapped you because I love you, I didn't want you to get married with that stupid blonde." Your face flushed with red, you watched him snuggle against you; making you redder by the second. "Well that stupid blonde, is actually the man I love and want to be with. If you truly loved me, than you'd let me be with him." Jaron sighed, he stood up and walked towards the wall.

"No, You love me not him. I won't let anything separate us again." He turned towards you smiling, "I've planned everything! The wedding, our honeymoon, our kids room." You watched him ramble on, your face giving off a look of... wtf? You stood up and smoothed down your attire, making it clear of any wrinkles. "Look, I'm sorry if you fell in love with me and such. But I don't want to be with you, I already have someone I'm going to marry, and I think you should find someone else. I was betrothed to him at birth, and I am freely willing to be with him for the rest of my life." You headed towards the door, "Now if you'd please excuse me." You tried to unlock the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"I don't think it's that simple my dear," You turned around, and watched as the young prince faced the fireplace. The fire reflecting off of him, you noticed a hint of change in his attitude; and possibly his voice? He slowly turned around, you watched his eyes stare intensely at you. Your hands began trembling, for one of his eyes were a daggering emerald green. While the other was, a blood red glow. "You don't understand, I came back all the way here for you. I love you, and I need you. And you will be mine one way, or another." He phrased in a cool collective voice. You looked down at his shadow, and gasped. For you saw wings spread out, and devil horns on his head; when he had none of those features in person.

"You can't stop me from going home understand, I am the princess of Saturn, and I will find a way home!" Jaron chuckled, "how?" You paused, you heard his deep chuckle in the background, as a horrifying realization came to you.

You lost your powers

"How'd you do it?" You asked, tears streaming down your face. Jaron walked towards a cherry boarded coffee table, he picked up a crystal glass and drank it's content. Which looked to contain some sort of yellow alcohol, you didn't like where this was going. He wiped his mouth with his cream colored peasant shirt. "It's simple really, your a light angel; so if I didn't take away your powers, then you'd die in Crozenia. The amount of negative energy would kill you, so I made you a mortal." You covered you mouth in shock, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. Your ears must've been deceiving you. "And get this, you're now bound by my magic. Meaning that I'll know your whereabouts 24/7. So just the thought of running away is a waste." He poured more content into his glass, and consumed it further. "It's lemonade by the way, I don't drink. I'm already plenty high with you around anyway." You turned around continuing your efforts on unlocking the door.

You jumped when Jaron abruptly placed his hand against the door, you turned around to face him. He was now leaning towards you, with his hands against the door above your head. You stared at him through his dark emerald green eyes, he leaned in closer to you and breathed heavily on your neck, "where do you think your going princess?". You pushed him aside and started backing up towards a corner. "Far, Far away from a monster like you!" You heard him let out a low chuckle. "Oh my dear dear dear Queen. No matter where you go, you will always be mine; it's about time you got that through that pretty little skull of yours." You were about to counter answer him, as you felt a wave of tiredness crash over you. Then you saw him smirk "You will always remain mine, my beautiful Unearthly Rose... "


You woke up to exhaustion, and tiredness. You were laying on a silky white bed, with a warm red fluffy blanket. You feel a light pain in your neck, so you sat up. You yawn, and stretch your arms; that's when everything comes crashing back at you. You felt a stinging near your neck, and navigated your hands towards the location for the source of the pain. You felt something wet, and retracted your hands. Ruby red blood tinted the tips of your fingers, you screamed quietly. What the hell is going on?

You ran towards the door, only to find it locked. You heard the sound of a door open, you turned and watched Jaron walk out of the bathroom, steam flowing out the door. Indicating that he had just taken a bath. You saw his slick black hair curl, with drips of water falling from them. He was wearing navy blue jeans, with a black and red flannel. He held a white towel, and began drying his hair with it. "You woke up so soon? I thought the spell would last longer, oh well. Do you wanna take a shower to? I'll ask Ema for more tow-"

"Why am I bleeding? What the heck is this on my neck, did you give me a hickey or something?" Jaron laughed, "Well, I guess I also gave you a hickey didn't I? No, I was just drinking your blood."

"MY WHAT?!?" You couldn't believe what you were hearing, "Are you a freakin vampire or something?" He sighed, "Well if you already knew that, I see no point in you being so shocked." Your eyes widened, "So your saying, y-you actually are a vampire?" Jaron, threw his towel onto his bed; and walked over to you. He pulled you towards him, and brought his mouth to your eye level. He then smiled, all fangs shown. "Yeah, I got thirsty watching you sleep while you were knocked out. So I got a bit curious as to how you tasted. No biggie." He sat down on a brown leather colored couch, and turned the tv on.

"No biggie? You can't just go around drinking people's blood!" You yelled in frustration. "And Why can't I?" he asked without moving out of his position, he picked up a bowl from the table in front of him; and began munching on some chips. You opened your mouth to reply him with anger, but nothing came out to your surprise. He was a prince after all, and in his world, he can get whatever he wanted.

"because it hurts."

You looked towards the ground, the sound of his munching stopped. You heard footsteps coming towards you, but you didn't lift you head. Because the more you moved it, the more it would hurt and the larger amount of pain it produced throughout your body for you. You felt Jaron grip your neck, he then lifted your chin up abruptly, causing you to howl in pain. He traced his fingers over your mark, and brought your neck close to his mouth. "I forgot to heal my bite marks, I'm so sorry my rose."

He placed his teeth once again in the holes they were once in, you felt a pull of blood around your neck. You bit your bottom lip, trying hard not to yelp from the pain; you didn't want to sound like an injured puppy. That's when you felt a cool feeling spread throughout your bite mark, it completely eradicated any trace of pain that you had previously felt. You felt him remove his fangs from your neck, and softly caress the area. "I'm sorry for inflicting so much pain on you, I had completely forgotten about that. As an apology what would you want as a token of regret from me?" You smiled, opened your mouth to say the one thing you desired the most.

"Except freedom, or anything along those lines that you know I will not accept."

You frowned, "fine. I have something that you can give me." Jaron placed his head onto your shoulders, "and what is that?" You smirked and walked away from him, you then turned to face him. Jaron took a few steps towards you, you smirked.

"I want to talk to Hydron."

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