Chapter 9: A Diamond Heart

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  When you wake up from your slumber, and quietly get off of your bed. You walk over to your vanity, and start examining your face and hands. To your surprise, you didn't find any scars, bruises, or scratch marks. You were pretty sure that there would have been plenty of bruises and scars; but then again, you aunt most likely had them healed before you noticed. You look out the window, it was one sunny and warm morning; you felt the warm rays on your skin. You started replaying what had happened yesterday over in your mind. Lost in your thoughts, you were brought back to reality by the buzz of your phone. You pick up your phone and quickly swiped it, and entered the password.

"Hey Sunshine, how are you feeling? Can you come down at the cafe today? We need to talk "

You let out a sigh, you knew he was going to bring this up. After all, he needed to break of the engagement with you. But you were a bit annoyed with the fact that your parents never consented you about it. But that was the whole point of being betrothed, they do it when you're an infant. But they should've told you as you grew up, or maybe they didn't feel the need to; whatever the reason was, you wished you knew about it from someone other than Hydron. You quickly got up and went into your closet to go look through your clothes, you decided to wear a white sweatshirt, with blue jeans; and brown combat boots. You went to your mirror to do your makeup, you noticed your eyes were still glowing their electric blue; and that your hair was still pink. You looked at your light pink hair, it had swirls of white and light yellow mixed in. You took out a beanie and wore it, at least now people would assume that you had dyed your hair. You placed sunglasses onto your face to cover your eyes, you didn't want to attract a lot of attention to yourself; and there was still the possibility that there were still strange magic users roaming around, the portal could've let all sorts of creatures come into your world. You heard your phone beep again, assuming it was Hydron; you opened your phone to check it.

"Hope you didn't forget about me, because you're always on my mind."

This struck you as strange, because Hydron had just texted you; and you just met him yesterday. You looked at the caller ID to check who had sent it, it read "Private Number." You were confused, yet unsure of who sent it. Unless it was, no it couldn't be! You quickly brushed off the idea, and continued to comb through your hair. You went downstairs to eat your breakfast, and were on your way to meet Hydron.


On your way to the Cafe, you saw Hydron waiting patiently inside. He was wearing a black leather Jacket, with khakis on; his blonde hair was a complete mess, though it was cute you had to admit. Even though you didn't want to admit it, you were starting to develop feelings towards Hydron; but you never let it show, or thought about it too much in detail. You hated the Prince for making your heart flutter whenever he threw a line your way. Or by making you blush whenever he made you feel as if the whole world revolved around you. You quickly dismiss your thoughts, and came to the conclusion that you were just simply going through a phase. You walked inside of the cafe, you hear the familiar bell that indicated a new customer's arrival. You See Hydron glance at you, you were immediately met with a warm smile of his, as always.

"As Always Sunshine, you look lovely," He greets you, you smile. You raise an eyebrow, "Oh really? Well might I add that you look rather fetching yourself Prince Hydron of Zeronic." You stick out your tongue and tease him, he chuckles at your remark, "Real cute Sweetheart." He pats your beanie, which causes you to roll your eyes at him. He was always such a flirt, but funny too; you always felt safe, comfortable, and happy near him. "Okay, so let's get down to business. I know you want to break off the engagement; and I'll gladly support you. Even I had no idea about it. I feel terrible by getting in your way, and I believe that it's ultimately the right thing to do." Hydron's face turns a bit uneasy. He looked a bit nervous, as if he was hiding something. You sighed, you'd never fully understand him.

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