Chapter 17: The People We Knew

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   "But how did you know that I was with Hydron?" You asked quietly, scared that you might erupt his anger; which wouldn't end well with Hydron in the same room. You looked down at the crystal clean glass tiles as you were dancing with Jaron, he sucked in a deep breath. "Remember I told you? Your bounded by my magic, I know every second of the day where you are. So why would it be any different at a party?"

"Why can't you just let me stay with the man I love? If you'd really love me, you'd let me live happily with him. Or do you even understand the meaning of genuine love?" You looked up at him with sad dulled eyes, you searched into his emerald green eyes; after finding no sympathy, you continued looking at the cold ground. Jaron whispered,"I love you so much, if you were any normal person. I wouldn't hesitate to kill you... but you know what?" You jolted your head back up. "It was worth it, just seeing you so happy; I wish you'd do that around me. If only I got to you first." Jaron sighed, pain evident in his eyes.

"If you like seeing me happy, then why won't you let me stay with him?" You remarked, he stopped. "Because if I do that, you'd never forgive me." Jaron whispered, "Just shut up and accept the facts, you're mine, you belong to me and your very existence is only meant to please me. Just because I've been being nice to you lately, doesn't mean I gave u permission to pull any of my strings alright?" He growled in an angered tone. "Afterall, I can be vicious if I want to."


The party finished about an hour ago, and you had changed into your normal clothing. A plain silk nightgown, with knee length socks. It was cold in Crozenia during the night, so you always liked to wear socks under your thin silk gown. You headed towards your room, when Jaron stopped you. "You'll be sleeping in my room from now on, I can't trust you to sleep in your own bedroom alone." You whipped your head around to face him as you were about to exit the room, "W-What?!"

You couldn't exactly tell Jaron that the room would be too small, for it was like a whole new house inside his room. But you still felt pretty insecure around Jarons presence, but by the look his face gave off; he wasn't going to hear no for an answer. "Fine, but I want our beds to be different." You groaned, Jaron chuckled, "My my little rose, I never knew that you were thinking of such things. Of Course I'd give you your own bed. I'm afraid we'll have to wait until after we're married to share one." Your face turned crimson, You huffed, "Whatever."

He pointed upstairs, and said that his sofa's were replaced with your bed. But that there was still only one bathroom provided for the whole room. You didn't mind, but instead walked quickly upstairs; and dived under the covers. Your were tired beyond words could express, you didn't have time to realize that your bed was littered with red rose petals.

"Good Night my Rose"


Hey guys! The chapter is not finished 😂 (Did I make you all go :O ?) One of my wonderful readers gave me the idea of doing a Hydron Pov, so thank you ! I feel like we haven't been getting a lot of Hydron lately, and maybe some of you are missing his blonde hair and minty breath ;) Hope you enjoy!


Hydron POV

"So the Prince of Crozenia invited us to his ball tonight? And in honor for his motherf*ckin engagement with MY future wife?!" Hydron raged as he read the letter that Jaron had so carefully hand written and specially delivered to Hydron's messenger. He could almost feel the mockery from Jaron radiate off the letter, and how his cursive was written so curly. Hydron was about to rip up the golden trimmed parchment.

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