Fidget Spinners

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For the longest time, I was convinced that the whole fidget spinner craze was just at my school. I have a high functioning autistic friend who is one of the smartest, most talented people I know, and he has a bunch of different little toys that he'll fiddle with in class to help him. (He also has the most amazing collection of Rubik's cubes that I have ever seen with tons of puzzle types, but that's getting off topic.)

He's had a fidget spinner for a very long time now, and it wasn't until the beginning of the whole fidget spinner mania that I saw other people with some. An influential boy asked my friend one day where he got his fidget spinner from, and the next day, he had brought one to school. After that, everyone had one. I just thought it was a fad that people started during because of the influential boy had gotten one.

Fidget spinners do get on my nerves, but only because people use them for the wrong reasons. You're not supposed to use them as a toy to distract you during class; they're meant to help people like my friend. Our school hasn't done this yet, but I know other schools have banned the presence of fidget spinners on campus. I'm worried for the people who actually need them. I don't want a tool that they use to help them function to be forced away because of other kids using it pointlessly. I don't want them to be accused of not actually needing it.

I wish this whole fad had never started in the first place.

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