"If Love Can See Us Through"

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The following is an awarding-winning play written by myself.


Okay so for our final test grade in choir, we were put into groups and were told to create and perform a short musical with at least four songs that we've performed over the school year. After we all performed our plays, our choir director held a short "awards ceremony". My team won the most awards, including "Best Screenplay", "Best Cast", "Best Supporting Actress", "Best Musical Direction", "Overall Best Musical", and "Best Animal". I thought that I would post the script here for you guys to have a few laughs. 

(Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, I played Ana... and I was adorable.)


"If Love Can See Us Through"

Scene One

(We open up to the Smith's household. Rylan, Joey, and Ana are sleeping peacefully in bed. Mama Smith is sitting at a table, reading over some papers sadly. A trash can is next to the table.)

Mama Smith: Geez, my husband was broke. (sighs) Only three days after his funeral, and all his money has been taken by all those people he owed money to. Maybe instead of playing poker, he should have stayed home to spend time with his daughters! (stands up) I need to get a job. (picks up phone, dials a number)

(Enter Ms. Boss)

Ms. Boss: Hello? Who is this?

Mama Smith: Hi, this is Dolly Smith... from high school?

Ms. Boss: Oh, long time no see. How have you been doing?

Mama Smith: Not very well. My husband just died.

Ms. Boss: Oh. (awkward silence) Man, oh shoot. I'm... sorry?

Mama Smith: Yeah, don't be. He was a gambler, and left me and my girls with nothing. I was actually wondering if you had a position open at that company you're the CEO of.

Ms. Boss: Actually, I just fired my personal assistant. That girl didn't know the difference between a tall half-caf soy latte and a non-fat Frappuccino. (annoyed sigh) You can have her job if you can get down here in like an hour.

Mama Smith: ... Okay. It's about an hour drive to the city from my house, but I can make it if I leave right now.

Ms. Boss: Alright, be here ASAP and be ready to work. (hangs up, exits)

Mama Smith: (puts down phone on table) Okay okay, I better leave now. It's too early to wake the girls, so I'll just leave them a note.

(Mama Smith writes a quick note. She picks her purse off of the table, accidently knocking the note into the trash can. Not noticing, she exits.)

(Ana begins tossing and turning in bed, making distressed noises. Ryland and Joey wake up. Ryland is concerned while Joey is annoyed.)

Joey: Oh, shut up, Ana!

Ryland: Don't be mean, Joey. (goes over to Ana and gently wakes her up) Ana... wake up, Ana.

Ana: (sits up, upset) I was having a nightmare, Ryland. It was scary!

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