Happy 5th Anniversary to Gravity Falls and Happy Birthday to the Stan Twins!

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*aggressively throws confetti and balloons*

Today marks the five year anniversary since "Tourist Trapped" first aired on television and changed our lives forever. I can't believe it's been this long already. If Gravity Falls was a child, it would be starting kindergarten this fall with a journal secured safely in its glittery backpack. It would most definitely be the smartest kid in its class. Sure, some of the other kids might get annoyed when it corrects their grammar and tries to steal their stuff, but it would become popular on the playground for its creative make-believe games, hilarious jokes, and friendliness!

Also, today is also Stanley and Stanford's birthday! Happy birthday to our two favorite old men! Thank you for gracing our screens with your backstory angst and family fluff. Even if I cried (multiple) times over you guys, I wouldn't change a thing.

I don't know about you guys, but I'll be celebrating today by drinking Mabel Juice as I watched "Tourist Trapped" in my blue-and-white sweater with Journal 3 in my lap.

(Also, give me like 5 minutes, and I'll post some "Tourist Trapped" bingo cards for us to use while watching the episode. )

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