That's impossible! Everyone knows ALICE doesn't live here anymore!

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Alright, let's go!

1) For my last birthday, I told my family to give me money so I could go around to multiple bookstores and buy some books. By the end of my birthday, I had gotten over 20 new books. It was beautiful.

2) When I was 8, I wrote a book about the backstory of my first Webkinz. It included family feuds, property ownership theft, murder, and mental illness. I also wrote a sequel.

3) I always tear up during this one scene at the end of the 2007 Nancy Drew movie where a mother and her daughter are being reunited. Every time. I've seen this movie over 25 times, but it still gets me every time.

4) I recorded my own album a while back ago to raise money for a trip. It was really cool, and I had a lot of fun experimenting at the mic.

5) I won third place in an art show when I was in kindergarten, but I'm convinced it's because I technically cheated?? Okay so every kindergarten class was assigned a famous art piece that we were supposed to recreate under the step-by-step instructions from our teachers. My class got Starry Night. They set up all types of art supplies at our tables, so while I was waiting for the rest of the class to catch up, I grabbed a hot pink Crayon to add to my swirls. Of course, right then the teacher on the other side of the room informed us that we weren't allowed to use Crayons, so I quickly put it back. (If we weren't supposed to use Crayons, then why were they put out for us?) A few weeks later, it was announced that I won third place. I was and still am convinced that it was because of my hot pink Crayon swirls. They looked that good.

6) I've seen Wicked three times. Twice with the tour cast and once on Broadway.

7) I wasn't even supposed to go see Wicked that first time. What had happened was my dad got tickets for my mom and himself to go see the musical for her birthday. My sister and I were supposed to stay home with our babysitter. But then the best thing happened- my sister got sick. My parents weren't going to leave a sick child with a babysitter, so my dad stayed home with her while I went with my mom to see Wicked. I've been in love ever since.

8) For another one of my birthdays when I was little, I asked to eat nothing but ice cream for the entire day. My parents reluctantly agreed. I got so hyper that day.

9) The last ten songs that have played on my Pandora are as follows: "Holding On" by Jamie Grace, "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman, "I See the Light" from Tangled, "I'm Not That Girl" from Wicked, "Stay With Me" by BarlowGirl, "Best of 2016" by Anthem Lights, "I'm Here" from The Color Purple (2015), "I Will Not Be Moved" by Natalie Grant, "Shiny" from Moana, and "Letters" from Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 (off-Broadway cast).

10) In sixth grade, one of my SPOTLIGHT class's big project was to do this huge research project and present it to the class, but one of my teacher pulled me aside and told me that I wouldn't have to do it if I memorized the children's book Pinkalicious and performed a one-woman dramatic interpretation of it. I accepted the challenge and memorized it within two weeks. I got a 100 on that project.

11) My friends and I created a very successful jewelry business in middle school. Within one week, our profits was over $325 (I don't remember the exact number).

12) During my first show, the music messed up right before a dance number with all the little girls. We were all very confused, and the adults in the audience were chuckling at how adorably puzzled we looked. Well, I thought that they were laughing at us to be mean, so I turned around, put my hands on my hips, and stuck my tongue out at the audience. My parents were so embarrassed.

13) I have been told by my friends that I can do pretty good Disney Princess singing impressions. Their favorites of my imitations include Rapunzel, Anna, Pocahontas, and Belle. They also tell me that I do a pretty good Mother Gothel voice.

I'm not going to tag anyone since I don't even know 13 people on here yet XD

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