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Danny's POV

I clenched my jaw as I walked down the halls to the kitchen, for work. I am happy to work in the kitchen with Betty. She taught me how to cook, I can actually make edible food.

I walked into the large kitchen, Betty was talking on the phone. She was biting her thumb nail, her back was leaning against the pantry. She looked distressed, not the normal happy and warm Betty.

She hung up the phone and put it back on the hook. Betty's head suddenly faced towards mine, a smile spread across her cheeks. It wasn't a real smile, it was a fake one.

"Are you alright Betty?" I asked, her face showed fake confusion. I know she is pretending, I can just tell. "I know you are not fine, so don't say the phrase I'm fine to me" I strictly said, although my strict probably looks like an defiant marshmallow.

"Sometimes some things can't be explained in the mere moment." Her eyes were washed with sorrow.

"I'll give you hug at least" I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her small body. She slowly lifted her arms up and embraced me. We unwrapped ourselves from the warming hug. She swiped imaginary dirt off her apron.

"I think I'm going to to give you the day off" she said pulling out a bowl.

"Why, shouldn't I be working?" I questioned her.

"Well, I heard there was a party?" she looked up from the banana she was cutting and gave me a questioning look, I nodded in conformation. "I think you should have the day off because today can be your fun day"

"Thank you but I don't know what to do?"

"Why not hangout with Andrea" she suggested, getting back to work on her banana bread.

"She getting ready for the party" I pouted

"How about Liam?"

"I think he's gone doing business, at least that's what he told me." I tried to think of my other friends. Wren and Steele? No, they don't know me well enough. "I'm going to go hangout with Tia!" I exclaimed, slightly frightening Betty.

I hopped down the stairs and quickly realize I have no idea where Tia lives or works. I awkwardly walked up to a stern women standing next to the door way. "Um miss?" Her head snapped down at me, I'm surprised she didn't get whiplash. "Do you know Tia? She's a doctor here?" The lady simply nodded.

"Do you know where her room is or where she works?"

"Follow me" she ordered and I did as she said, with no hesitation. We made it to the place I recognize that time when I had a whiskey glass hit my head. It's kinda funny now that I think about it.

"Thank you so much" I gushed at the lady, she only nodded in return.

I knocked on the wooden door twice the door opened, a guy about in his 40's wearing scrubs swung the door open. This guy is definitely not Tia. "Do you know where I can find Tia?" I said the question for about the fourth time today.

"Yes she's in her office" he let the door open fully, I follow his finger and saw a door with the name Tia next to the door on the side. Tia price, that's such a strong pretty name.

I walked into her office a smile on my face. I finished my journey of finding Tia. "Hey Tia" I said.

"Hi Danny" she said pointed to the seat in front of her desk. "You can sit there"

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