Chapter 1

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Five Years Later

So many things have changed in the time I've lived alone with my daughter. But some things will never change. Like Dean Winchester being late, for instance.

I shuffled around my living room, picking up toys that our daughter had gotten yesterday at her birthday party. A party that Dean had missed. I tried my hardest not to be angry with him. I'm sure he had a good reason. He, Sam, and Christine have had a lot on their plates recently. After peeking into the kitchen where Mary Grace sat at the table. She was munching on chips and a ham sandwich.

I sat down on the couch and put my feet up. Of course as soon as I relaxed there was a knock at the door. I really hope that's Dean and not the mailman coming to hit on me again.

I opened the door slowly and let out sigh of relief when I saw the Winchesters. Mary will be running in here full speed any moment now after hearing the door open. It's funny how sometimes you don't notice things right off. Like how if Dean hadn't been staring at me intently I wouldn't have noticed the blonde next to him that was not Christine.

So this is why he missed his daughter's party. I felt a slight panic as it dawned on me, this woman must be Dean's girlfriend. I looked behind them at Sam and Christine. I felt a little betrayed that neither of them thought it wise to mention that he was bringing his most likely girlfriend.

Before I could say anything Mary came bolting in from the kitchen just like I thought she would. Without missing a beat Dean grabbed her and lifted her up before she collided with him. Dean held her on his side and grinned at her.

I stepped back, out of the doorway so my guests could enter the living room. They did, but they all mingled at the door. The blonde stranger's gaze swept every inch of the room. Sam looked uncomfortable, his eyes glued to the television where Sesame Street was playing. Christine was trying to speak to me with her facial expressions but it wasn't working. Dean had all of his attention on Mary. Completely unaware of everyone else in the room.

"How was your party yesterday, Princess?" Dean asked Mary.

"It was great! Mommy rented a bouncy house!" Mary told him excitedly.

"That does sound great. I'm sorry I missed it." He sounded sincere.

"It's okay, daddy. I forgive you." Mary gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

I felt my heart swell. I don't deserve this kid. Where she got all that sweetness, I'll never know.

Dean kissed our daughter's head before looking around at the rest of us. "You want to go play with uncle Sam and aunt Chris?" Dean asked Mary.

Mary smiled widely. "I can show you the swing set grandpa got me!" She squealed.

Dean's not going to be happy about Crowley attending yesterday. But he can get over it. Mary adores him.

Sam took Mary from Dean and after a hug from her favorite uncle, they headed outside. Christine following, chuckling at Mary's excitement.

After they had left, Dean shut the door. I cleared my throat and gestured to the couch. "Make yourselves at home." I told him and the stranger. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"A beer would be nice." Dean said as he flopped down on the couch.

I rolled my eyes before looking at the blonde woman.

She shook her head slowly. "No, thank you."

After hearing her speak I felt slightly less hostile. She sounds like a very nice person. I'm just overreacting.

I trudged into the kitchen for Dean's beer. I keep a few on hand just for him. Hidden carefully out of Mary's sight. I handed it to him before taking a seat in an armchair.

"I thought it was time you two ladies met. I really would have came yesterday but we ran into some complications. Leah, this is my mom, Mary Winchester. Mom, this is my baby mama." Dean announced after he opened his beer.

"Your mom?" I asked, my eyes wide with disbelief. "I'm sorry, but I thought you were dead."

"I was, for a while." Mary Winchester replied.

"You know us Winchesters never stay dead, babe." Dean told me.

If there's one thing that I do know, that's it.

"Well, we're going to have to think up a nickname for Mary Grace. Speaking of, would you like to meet her? She's going to be thrilled when she hears she has another grandparent." I smiled at Mary.

"I would love to. She's so beautiful. Thank you for wanting to name her after me. I can't tell you how flattered I am." Mary replied.

I nodded my head. "You're most welcome."

Dean stood up and stretched. "Our little girl got her looks from her mom."

His comment made me blush. I don't get complimented very often when Dean isn't around.

Mary smiled at the two of us. "I'm going to let you have a minute. I know how hard it is to get alone time when you have little ones." After one last knowing look, she strolled out the front door.

I didn't speak until the door was shut and I was sure Mary was out of earshot. "Why don't you ever warn me?" I asked Dean.

"I thought it'd make a nice surprise." Dean replied as he tried to look innocent.

"Dean, I thought she was your girlfriend."

Dean laughed. "I had a feeling you'd jump to conclusions."

I rolled my eyes and hit his arm softly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, babe." Dean said before leaning in to kiss me. "While they're keeping the kid occupied you wanna go upstairs? You can show me just how much you missed me."

I laughed at his choice of words and then kissed him. "I might take you up on that offer." I turned and headed up the stairs, making sure to sway my hips more than I normally would.

My relationship with Dean Winchester is nowhere near perfect. But it works for us, most of the time.

One Last Time- a Dean Winchester love story (sequel to One More Night)Where stories live. Discover now