Chapter 3

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"Are you serious?" Dean asked immediately.

"I wouldn't take something like this lightly. I think it's what's best for the both of us. Nothing will change with Mary Grace. She doesn't need to know." I answered.

"She'll notice. Do you want me to lie to my daughter?"

"No. If she asks questions we'll explain it to her."

"I'm not sure how you're going to gently tell her that mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore." Dean said angrily.

I could feel tears pricking at my eyes, threatening to spill out. I fought them back and kept going. "I wouldn't tell her that. I'll always love you, Dean."

Dean snorted. "Yeah, right." He grabbed his jacket and the keys to the Impala before walking out the door.

Hot tears started welling up in my eyes and falling onto my cheeks. That was the right thing to do, I told myself as I carefully ascended the stairs to my room. Hell, all this time you were barely in a relationship with the man. After the first few months of being apart it was more of a friends with benefits deal.

I changed into one of the big t-shirts that I usually sleep in. It's not one of Dean's, thankfully. He never leaves much of his stuff here to begin with. I settled in under the covers and stared at the wall, tears running down the side of my face and soaking into my pillow. I won't be getting any sleep tonight.

I don't know how long I'd been lying there when I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I sat bolt upright in bed and grabbed the lock box that held my gun. I got it open and walked softly across my room, opening the door slowly.

I lowered the gun slightly when my eyes registered his figure in the darkness. A body I know very well, Dean.

"You wanna point that thing somewhere else?" Dean whispered.

"How can I be sure it's really you?" I asked.

Dean reached into his jacket and I raised the gun.

"Relax, Leah." He said quietly as he handed me a silver blade before rolling up his sleeve.

I took the knife from him and held it tightly in my hand. I'd never cut Dean before, as much as I may have wanted to. After hesitating a few moments I pricked his index finger. When there was no reaction I gave him the knife back and put the safety on my gun.

I walked into my bedroom, so we wouldn't risk waking up Mary Grace. It's a miracle she hasn't already. Dean followed me in and shut the door behind him. I took a seat on my bed and looked at Dean, waiting on him to explain.

"I either need to borrow your keys or take over your couch. The Impala won't start." Dean said. He still sounded angry.

I nodded. "You're always welcome here no matter what happens between us."

"Appreciate it." Dean said before turning and heading for the door.

"Hey, Dean." I said quickly.

"Yeah?" He asked, without turning around. He rested his hand on the doorknob.

"When I wake Gracie up in the morning, come in here so she won't see you. If she does she won't want to go to daycare." I told him.

Dean nodded before leaving my bedroom. I laid back down and felt a stab of pain hit my heart. I hurt Dean, as much as I didn't want to. He'd never admit it, but I hurt him.

The next morning when I went downstairs Dean was gone. I continued into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, to find that there was already a pot made. So Dean is still here somewhere.

After adding some sugar to my black coffee I headed out front. Where Dean had the hood up on the Impala. He was leaning over looking around the engine.

"Want some coffee or something?" I asked, after a moment of staring.

Dean stood up and hit his head on the hood. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. He rubbed his head and turned to look at me.

"I'm good. I'm just waiting on Sammy to bring me a new pulley." Dean replied.

"Is your head okay?" I asked before taking a sip of coffee.

"I've had worse."

I nodded. An awkward silence settled between us. It wasn't broken until Sam pulled into the yard beside the Impala. I waved at Sam before going back inside my house. Sam was alone, so I won't be needed.

I still have an hour before I have to wake Gracie, so I grabbed my tablet and read a book while I sipped my coffee. I wish I'd had this when I was on the road with Sam and Dean. It would have saved me from so much boredom.

I had zoned out when someone grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and turned quickly. Sam was standing behind me.

"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you." Sam said.

"It's okay. I have a five year old, I spend most of my time in fear." I smiled halfheartedly.

"I was just going to let you know that we're gonna head out. Give Mary, er, Gracie a hug for me. I really missed that kid." Sam announced.

"She missed you too. She always wanted to know when Uncle Sammy and Aunt Chris were going to take her out again."

Sam smiled. "Maybe sometime soon. Are you okay?"

I should have known that was coming. "Dean will explain, I'm sure."

"I know. But I'm asking about you." Sam repeated.

"I'm fine Sam. Don't go all Dr. Phil on me, please." I replied.

A serious look crossed Sam's face. "You know I'm always here if you need to talk. So is Christine if it's something... feminine."

"Now that I think of it, I've had some odd pain in my ovaries when I'm on my period." I stated, trying not to laugh.

"I think I heard Dean calling me. I'll see you later." Sam said before rushing out the front door.

After I heard their cars crank up I laughed until my sides hurt.

One Last Time- a Dean Winchester love story (sequel to One More Night)Where stories live. Discover now