Chapter 6

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Christine's P.O.V.

Forty-five minutes into the car ride Gracie fell asleep. I turned in my seat to check on her, I wish I could sleep like a toddler again. Her bunny was snug in the crook of her arm while her head hung to the side, her mouth slightly open. I nudged Sam's arm, causing him to look away from the road for a quick second.

"Your niece kinda looks like your brother when she's sleeping." I said in a hushed voice.

He glanced in the rear view mirror and smiled. "Nah, his mouth hangs open more, and he drools."

I held back laughter. "It's nice to know that you watch him so closely."

"At least he doesn't snore." Sam said as he looked over at me again.

I narrowed my eyes. "Oh yes he does. So do you, so look somewhere else with that judging gaze."

Sam laughed softly. "How did you get me to agree to this trip? All I remember is you asking sweetly and batting your lashes. Has Leah taught you magic like she threatened to do?" He teased.

"You agreed because you want to finally conquer your fear of clowns. Leah being in a pretty bad place probably helped you towards this decision too. Also, because you love me."

"I think you're right on all but one of those." Sam replied. "And I have conquered my fear. I still don't like them, I'll never understand why you do."

"Because they're cute in their own creepy way." I told him.

Sammy shook his head at me before we fell into a comfortable silence.

A couple hours later we pulled into the parking lot of a McDonald's. Leah doesn't like for Gracie to have fast food too often so I always make sure to stop here. It's what solidifies my title of the fun aunt.

Gracie was switching between eating chicken nuggets and running wild on the indoor play place when my phone rang. I wiped the grease off of my hands and dug my phone out of my pocket.

"I swear I hate to bother you right now, but I have to tell you something." Leah said before I could answer with a customary greeting.

"What happened?" I asked, looking up at Sam who had stopped eating.

"I told myself I would just leave you alone. I should just hang up." Leah said, sounding semi-panicked.

"Leah, chill out. You're not bothering me at all. Just tell me what it is."

I heard her take a deep breath. "Dean showed up drunk while Crowley was here and the result was not pretty. I had to force Dean out of the house, literally."

"Is everyone okay? Did you really use it on him? That's like the first time you've ever done that."

"Yes I used my stupid curse on him. I was so mad I could hardly see straight. Or maybe it was just the fumes coming off of Dean." Leah answered. Most of the stress had left her voice.

"What did those two do to make you so angry?" I asked.

"A few things. I'll fill you in later. How's my baby?"

"I'm doing great. Oh, you meant Gracie? She's good. I fed her chicken nuggets so she's content." Sam was smiling and shaking his head at me across the table.

"Have you gotten a motel room yet?" Leah asked.

"Nah. We figured we'd skip all the hassle and just sleep in the car."

"Christine. Can I get a normal answer, please?"

"If you insist. Sammy checked us in before we went to eat. See how boring that was?"

Leah laughed. "I'd gladly take some boring right now."

"Well, when I get back I'll bore you to tears."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll let you get back to your food now. Thank you for listening to me." Leah said.

"Anytime babe, I'll see you tomorrow night."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

"So, what happened?" Sam asked.

"I'm sure you'll hear all about it when we get back." I assured him.

The next afternoon the three of us stood in line outside of the big top, waiting to get inside. Gracie was sitting on Sam's shoulders so she could get a better view of everything. The closer we got to the door, the tenser Sam seemed to be.

I leaned close to him so hopefully Grace wouldn't hear. "You know, you can always just head back to the motel. You don't really have to do this."

"I know. But I want to." Sam insisted. "Grace keeps telling me how excited she is that I'm here. I can't let her down."

I nodded my head as we took another step towards the guy taking tickets.

Once we were inside, Gracie seemed to be excited and terrified all at once. She was holding onto Sam tightly, who had moved her to his hip.

"You okay, sweetheart?" I asked her.

She nodded her head slowly while biting her lip. "I don't like the people with the scary faces."

"You mean the clowns?" I asked.

Gracie shrugged as best she could with her arms still tightly around Sam. Sam gave me a smug half smile before he looked down at his niece.

"It's okay to be scared of them, Koala." Sam said soothingly, using his nickname for Grace. "I'm every bit as scared as you are."

Her eyes got wide. "Really? But you're big and strong."

"Just because I'm big and strong doesn't mean I don't get scared sometimes." Sam smiled softly.

Grace loosened her grip on him and he slowly put her down. She grabbed his hand and we headed for our seats.

Halfway through the show there was a break. Grace was loving the circus, as long as she didn't have to be close to the clowns, she was fine with them being far away. Grace tapped on my knee softly so I'd look at her.

"Can I have some cotton candy?" She asked sweetly.

I grabbed my purse and nodded. "Of course you can."

I got up and took her hand, navigating through the crowd of people to the concession stand. On our way back, a male clown came running past and knocked Gracie's cotton candy out of her hand. She fell to her knees in the process and started bawling. I picked up my crying niece and put an arm around her before turning to the clown who had stopped briefly.

"Did no one ever teach you not to come barreling through crowds of small children?" I asked him.

He stared at me for a moment. "I'm so sorry, ma'am. I'm about to be late for my act."

"Sorry isn't good enough. You ruined my niece's day, and her cotton candy. You're buying her more." I said firmly.

Sam showed up, slowly making his way through the on-lookers to my side. "Maybe we should take this somewhere else, Chris. You're making a scene."

I shook my head no and took a step towards the clown. He scrambled backwards, looking scared. He broke eye contact with me and hurried over to the concession stand, returning with cotton candy twice the size of the one Grace originally had.

After the show had ended and Gracie had eaten every last bite of the soft blue treat we went back to the car. Sam had to pull over what seemed like every few minutes so Gracie could throw up from the load of sugar she'd consumed.

Once her stomach had settled and she had passed out in the backseat, Sam put his hand on my thigh and looked at me seductively.

"As much as I didn't like being the center of attention back there, the way you took control was hot."

I grinned at him. "If you liked that, you're going to love what happens when we get home."

One Last Time- a Dean Winchester love story (sequel to One More Night)Where stories live. Discover now