Chapter 13

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Dean's P.O.V.

I sat on a small pink stool at a small pink table with my daughter and her stuffed animals pretending to drink tea. Not my proudest moment, but I'd do anything for this kid. Besides, tea parties are one of the best ways to get some father/daughter time in.

"So what have you been up to princess?" I asked after passing a tray of imaginary cookies to a stuffed turtle.

"I can count to 100!" Grace announced.

"That's great, baby!" I beamed at her. "Are you still liking school?"

Mary Grace nodded. "I like my teacher, she's really pretty. Not as pretty as my mommy though."

I couldn't help but laugh. "No one is as pretty as your mommy."

"What about me?" She asked.

"I'd say you're both equally pretty. You do look a lot like her." I reasoned.

Grace shrugged. "That's true. There is one thing I don't like very much. This boy in my class, named Tyler, chases me around the playground. I can never swing in peace." She explained, shaking her head "Mrs. Jacobs says it's because Tyler likes me, but I don't think he does."

"He better not. You're not allowed to date til you're 30."

She looked confused. "That's a really long time, daddy."

I nodded. "And it's still not long enough."

Gracie continued telling me about the different things she'd learned at school. I was feeling really proud.

"When I learned my colors my daddy took me to get different colored popsicles." She told me.

I stared at her for a second, my mouth open. Did she just call Leah's boyfriend daddy? Oh hell no.

"I'm your only daddy, sweetheart."

"I know that. That's just what mommy told me to call him."

I shook my head. Leah and I are going to have a talk when she gets back.

After Gracie settled down and started watching cartoons I got started on dinner. When the spaghetti was almost done I checked my phone for any texts from Leah. She should have been back by now. I stirred the sauce and then sent her a message checking on her.

Once dinner was over I helped Grace with her homework, which was only practicing writing her name and shapes. The fact that Leah still hadn't come home kept gnawing at me.

I sent Gracie upstairs to brush her teeth when it was getting close to her bed time. I dialed Leah's number quickly but it only rang. Still no answer. I took a deep breath before going upstairs to tuck my daughter in. I don't want her to see that I'm panicked. She'll never go to bed if she thinks anything is abnormal.

After I heard Mary Grace's soft snores I went downstairs and tried calling Leah again but only got her voicemail. Time to call in for backup.

"What's up?" Sam answered after a few rings.

"I can't get a hold of Leah. She was supposed to be running errands but now she won't answer my calls or texts." I explained, trying not to sound panicked.

"I'll have Christine call her, just in case she's ignoring you." Sam replied.

About five minutes later Sam spoke again. "She wouldn't pick up for Chris either. Give us a minute and we'll head that way to start looking for her."

"Okay. I'll stay here with Grace. Call me if you find her."

"Will do." Sam replied before hanging up.

A few moments later, a noise out front caused me to open the door. Leah was on the other side of it, sitting on the porch. I quickly pulled my phone out and texted Sam to call the search off.

"What the hell are you doing out here and where have you been? I've been worried sick about you." I said as I approached her.

Leah looked almost like she was dazed. "He hurt me." She slurred.

I sat down in front of her so I could see her face. "What? Who hurt you, Lee?"

"I met up with Danny in town. Crowley showed up and ruined everything. He told Danny that I was his daughter."

"I don't get what's so bad about that." I replied.

Leah looked like she was about to burst into tears. "Danny's a hunter. Didn't find out about that until today either."

Happiness spread through me. I felt a little bad about it, that Leah had to get hurt. That guy is gone. There's no way he'll come back around after that. Especially if he's ever met Crowley before.

"Crowley bought me alcohol. Lots of it." Leah swung her arms out to show me how much a lot was.

"You are really drunk, aren't you?"

Leah shook her head before falling forward. I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back into a sitting position.

"You're always there for me, Dean. No matter what."

I wasn't sure what I should say, so I just stayed silent.

Leah pushed herself up on her knees and slowly moved towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm gonna reward you for your loyalty." She answered between giggles.

Before I could stop her she was in my lap, pulling her shirt off.

"Whoa, Leah. No. You are way too drunk." I grabbed her arms and kept them by her sides.

"You always take the pain away, Dean. You're the only person that can make me feel better. Please. Help me, help you."

"Nope, nope, nope." My eyes were focused on the swing behind her. I wanted this almost as bad as she did but it's not happening while she's this drunk.

All of a sudden Leah started sobbing. "Everyone always leaves me."

I put my arms around her and hugged her, trying my damnedest not to think about her bare skin. "I think it's time for you go to bed. I won't leave, I promise." I said softly.

Once Leah let go of me I grabbed her shirt for her and carried her up the stairs. By the time I got her tucked in she had passed out. I placed a quick kiss on her forehead before leaving the bedroom.

I checked in on my princess then headed back down the stairs and crashed on the couch. I'll need to be here to get Gracie ready for school in the morning. I could really get used to this. Minus the drunk Leah, of course. I can't believe I've been missing out on this stuff all these years.

One Last Time- a Dean Winchester love story (sequel to One More Night)Where stories live. Discover now