Chapter 16

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Two Weeks Later

I was waiting on Christine to come over when I got a phone call from her.

"Hey, you heading over?" I asked.

"About that. All this running around here lately has really done a number on me and I've caught a cold. I'm curled up in bed next to Sammy right now and I will be for the rest of the day." Christine explained.

"She's being extremely needy today." I heard Sam say, followed by a chuckle.

I smiled, their happiness is contagious. "I'll just bring the shoes over there after Grace gets home then."

"No need for that." Chris said quickly. A sign that she's up to something.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked.

A short pause. "Dean might be on his way over to get the shoes and so you guys can work on the speech Sam and I want you to do."

I groaned. "C'mon Christine. I really don't want to see him right now. It's bad enough that I have to talk to him when he picks Gracie up. He practically hates me, never speaking to me unless he has to."

I heard a rustling sound. "He doesn't hate you." Sam said. "You really hurt him, Leah."

"I know that, Sam and the fact that I did makes me hate myself, but can we please not have this conversation right now. How long ago did he leave?"

There was another rustling sound and this time Christine spoke. "Probably about five minutes before I called you. I know it's not ideal but it's the perfect opportunity for the two of you to work everything out."

"Or wind up on the five o'clock news." I muttered.

I heard a chuckle from Christine. "Everything is going to be fine. You still love me?"

"Of course." I answered her, smiling despite myself. "I've got to go, I need to clean up a little bit before he shows up. I'll let you know how it goes."

"Good. I didn't want to ask you to." I could hear the smile in Christine's voice.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I laid my phone on the coffee table and started picking up the clutter strewn around the living room and kitchen.

When I heard a car door shut I unlocked and opened the door. Feeling too nervous to wait for Dean to knock. He stepped into the living room, clutching something in his hand. I shut the door and turned to him.

"So, any ideas for this speech?" I asked, trying not to sound as awkward as I felt.

Dean shook his head after sitting down on the couch and propping his feet up on the coffee table. "I figured words were more your strong suit."

I shrugged and sat at the other end of the couch. "Well, you know Sam a lot better than I do. So I was thinking we could split it 50/50."

"Sounds like a plan." Dean said curtly. "I brought you something to help you get those mushy gushy feelings going."

I raised my eyebrows as Dean held out the hand that was closed around something. I spread my hand out palm side up, not knowing what to expect. Something heavy dropped into my open hand.

I looked down to see a signet ring of some sort.

"It's your brother's. Gavin was a ship captain. I know you didn't know him, but it seemed like something you'd want. I found it while cleaning out the trunk of the Impala yesterday. I washed it with bleach first, you don't want to know why."

I nodded. "The ship he died on, The Star. I, uh, actually met Gavin once. It was totally accidental but I haven't talked to him in years."

"What do you mean you met Gavin? He's supposed to be in the past." Dean asked, looking shocked. "Dammit Crowley." He grumbled.

I launched into the story of how I came across Gavin after escaping hell, not leaving anything out. By the time I finished Dean was smiling.

"I've literally never told anyone about that." I said, wrapping it up.

He laughed a moment before wiping his eyes and composing himself. "Yeah, I see why."

I rolled my eyes. "Just don't ever tell anyone, okay?"

"No promises." Dean replied.

After the smiles faded, an awkward silence settled over the room.

I cleared my throat. "I'm really sorry, Dean."

"Don't. Okay, just don't. I really appreciated the story and your trust that I won't tell anyone about your almost incest but I'm only here for Sam. That's it, nothing else. I don't give a damn about your boyfriend or your feelings for each other. So let's cut the crap and get this over with." Dean said coldly.

I deserve that. I didn't say another word on the subject as I grabbed all the necessary things for speech writing.

We finished up before Gracie came in from school. The two of us were able to work together, like we always have, but there was a lot of tension in the air. After Dean left with the shoes for Christine I called her.

"So how did it go?" Chris answered.

"It started out really well. But then I tried to apologize and it didn't work out. It was on me though, I shouldn't have brought it up."

"I'm sorry that happened. I still think the two of you can be friends again. It'll just take time." Christine assured me.

"On the bright side, we got it done." I said, steering away from the subject at hand.

"Awesome. Can I hear it?"

I laughed. "No, you have to wait until you get hitched. Speaking of, how do you feel about Danny being my date?"

"Well, I'm getting married so I don't think I have the right to be jealous anymore. You can take whoever you want, Leah. We can handle whatever might happen."

By that I know she means whatever negative reaction Dean might have.

"Thank you, Chris. Now for the more exciting question. Is there anyone specific you want me to invite or not invite to your bachelorette party?"

"You're most welcome. I trust you to handle it. You know who I hate better than anyone else would."

I laughed. "I found a bridesmaid dress by the way. I had Rowena pick something out for me and she did not disappoint."

"I can't wait to see it then. Just try not to upstage me, I mean it is my wedding."

"I guarantee you will look ten times better than I will. I'll text you a picture of it later, I gotta go. Gracie should be getting here any minute now."

I let her know the date of the bachelerotte party before we hung up. We're going to have some fun.

One Last Time- a Dean Winchester love story (sequel to One More Night)Where stories live. Discover now