Chapter 2

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      After a short argument about Mary Grace needing an overnight bag if she wasn't staying the night I relented. I attempted to pack the said bag while she ran around her room, trying to sneak stuffed animals in while I had my back turned. She's always excited when she knows Dean is coming to pick her up soon.

So, have you thought of a nickname yet?" I asked her, hoping to distract her.

"I like what Aunt Chris said." She replied.

" You mean Gracie?" I asked.

"It sounds like a name a princess would have." Gracie told me. She ran to her dresser and grabbed her plastic tiara. She placed it on top of her head, where it sat crookedly. "Or maybe something cool, like Batman!"

I laughed at her excitement. "I think Gracie suits you much better, sweetie."

She sat down on her purple blanketed bed and looked up at me. "Batman is daddy's nickname anyway."

I shook my head as I heard a knock on the front door. "Grab your toothbrush and put it in. No more stuffed animals in there Mary Grace, and I mean it." I told her before leaving the room.

Dean was standing at the door with two bouquets. One big blue one and a smaller purple one. He held the blue flowers out to me. I took them and raised my eyebrows.

"What have you done?" I asked. Dean Winchester never brings me flowers.

"I can't bring my girls flowers?" Dean asked innocently.

"You can, I just feel like I'm being buttered up for something." I replied.

"Maybe I kinda feel like an ass for missing my daughter's fifth birthday." Dean admitted. "Which is why I'm going to sit through a Disney double feature at the theater."

"Don't stay out too late please, and no ice cream." Chances are he'll ignore my requests anyway.

"Why can't we be out late? Not like she has to go to work tomorrow." Dean chuckled at his own joke.

"Not work, daycare." I answered.

"Why is my kid in daycare? She doesn't need to be in daycare. I can watch her."

"So can I, Dean. I've been doing it by myself for five years now. She starts kindergarten in a couple weeks. She needs to get used to being away from me. She's been going for a few months now and she really likes it." I explained.

"Why didn't you tell me about all this?" Dean was getting annoyed, and so was I.

I sighed. "I did, Dean. I've told you multiple times. You'd know that if you ever listened to what I say."

"You do realize that I just got done dealing with God's sister, right?" Dean asked.

"I hate to be the person to point this out, but so did Sam and Chris. They both know about daycare and her starting kindergarten. They remember."

"Well it's a bummer that Sam isn't her father then, huh? Or hell, maybe he is."

"I've been wondering that myself." I retorted.

Before Dean could do anything more than stare at me in complete shock, Mary Grace came bounding down the stairs. She nearly tripped before coming to a stop before Dean. She's definitely my child.

I didn't scold her for running down the stairs. She wouldn't have heard any of it with Dean in the room. When he's around, she sees and hears nothing else. He has no idea how much he means to her.

After Dean gave Gracie her flowers and she showered him in kisses they left. I stood in the doorway and watched them walk hand in hand to the Impala.

"Remember what I said about the ice cream!" I shouted to Dean.

He put his hand next to his ear like he didn't hear me, but I know he did.

When Dean brought our daughter back later that night he had to carry her in. She was out cold. After he'd tucked her in upstairs he plopped down next to me on the couch.

"I have to confess. We did get ice cream, but I took her to that new indoor trampoline park and she jumped it all out of her system." Dean said after a few moments of silence.

"I'll accept that." I told him, smiling.

After another stretch of silence Dean spoke. "Were you serious about that Sammy thing?"

I chuckled lightly. "Of course not, Dean. I have never been attracted to your brother. Sam is one of my best friends, I would never sleep with him. Not to mention he's dating my best friend."

Dean looked relieved. "Well, that's good."

"Were you really that worried about it?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. I don't like the thought of you being with anyone else." Dean confessed.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"What? It's the truth."

"I know it is. It's just a bit hypocritical, don't you think?"

"What do you mean? I never slept with your brother." Dean said defensively.

"No offense, but I don't think you're Gavin's type." I replied.

"How do you even know what his type is?" Dean asked suspiciously.

I felt my face get a tinge redder. "That's not part of the point here, Dean." I sighed. "You don't want me to be with anyone else but you sleep your way across America."

"They don't mean anything to me, Leah. I'll always come back to you."

"That doesn't make it okay." I argued

"Why do you suddenly have a problem with the way we work?" Dean asked. I could almost feel his temper flare.

"It's not sudden, Dean. I've had a problem with it for a while, you've just never noticed."

"Why do I have to notice everything? You could just tell me."

"You wouldn't remember if I did." I replied, trying to keep my voice low. I don't want to wake our daughter. I really don't want her to come downstairs and see her parents arguing.

Now it was Dean's turn to roll his eyes. "This happens every time I come to town. Every single time."

"Probably because I have a lot of built up anger. You're usually only gone for six months at a time."

"Don't try to turn this back around on me. I'm out there saving the world so you and our daughter can be safe." Dean hissed angrily.

"Is saving people, hunting things your go-to excuse?" I asked.

"I don't see you saving the world." Dean replied.

"Probably because I have to raise our daughter. You know, try to give her a normal life."

"I don't see what your problem is. Things have always been this way. I don't think they should change. Everyone's happy."

"Everyone except me, Dean. You'd know that if you were ever here."

Dean groaned and ran his hand down his face. "What do you want me to do here, Leah?"

I bit my lip. "I think I need a break."

One Last Time- a Dean Winchester love story (sequel to One More Night)Where stories live. Discover now